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shatto 08-23-2009 05:53 PM

Impulse Shopper

So I pulled into the nearby Costco and bought a bag of chips.

I don't even remember the last time I bought potato chips, but there I was, with an Industrial, Combat, Clan size bag of:
Kettle Brand Sweet Onion Potato Chips which, it turns out, are superb potato chips.

Got back to the truck and munched and munched and munched until I noticed everything tasted like paper, then I quit.

Then I read the label. The Nutrition Facts part of the label. The part of the label that says a serving is 150 calories.
The part that reads; Serving Size 1 oz (28g/about 13 chips)

Thirteen chips!

Now..............................I remember why I stopped eating potato chips.

GasSavers_maximilian 08-23-2009 05:55 PM

I've had an odd hankering for Cheetos lately. I don't even really like Cheetos, so I've been able to resist. Maybe I'm pregnant.

dkjones96 08-23-2009 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by maximilian (Post 140343)
Maybe I'm pregnant.

lol. I had a craving for those chocolate covered pretzels and bought a bag today. At almost the whole thing before I bothered to look at the back. 8 of them are 130 calories... Not as bad as 13 chips being 150 but still a shocker considering how I've been watching what I eat.

I've cut A LOT of snack foods because of the amount of sugar in them. It's insane! People aren't supposed to eat much more than 100 grams of sugar a day and in the pretzel snack alone I had about 50. I don't count fruits in my sugar count since I don't eat them near as often as I should. (a pear has 15g if you were curious)

At least I can pronounce 90% of the ingredients in them tho.

FrugalFloyd 08-23-2009 07:02 PM

If you remember the recent news story about the couple arrested for assaulting each other with Cheetohs, you know they have a dual purpose as snack food and a defensive weapon!

I bought a good sized can of cashew nuts once on a month-long stay in Puerto Rico. Then I read the label, and found that 9 of them added up to about 150 calories. It took me the rest of the month to eat them at 9/day.

theholycow 08-24-2009 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by dkjones96 (Post 140345)
I don't count fruits in my sugar count since I don't eat them near as often as I should. (a pear has 15g if you were curious)

It's my belief that raw fruits are a net improvement in one's diet even if one has maxed out one's intake of calories and sugar. I would never count the calories/sugar/whatever found in any raw fruit. I've never heard of someone who shouldn't have eaten that apple every day or the 3 oranges per day or whatever...

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 08-24-2009 04:57 AM

IMO, potato chips that are cut from real potatoes, i.e. not processed like pringles, aren't all that bad for you... provided you have one of the flavors that is just condiments, herbs or spices and isn't full of sugar and crap (BBQ is a bad one usually) Especially now they are usually cooked in high omega 3 oils with no transfats. The starches in them aren't quiiite so high a glycemic load as a sugary snack or fruit, there is a modicum of fibre, and you may notice that they have more vitamin C in than most canned fruit or vegetables, this is because the frying heats them rapidly leaving no time for enzymes to break vitamins down.

None of this applies to corn chips, cheezy poofs, etc.

dkjones96 08-24-2009 06:02 AM

I ended up buying a bag of Cheeze Balls this morning...


Jay2TheRescue 08-24-2009 06:24 AM

Cheezy poofs? How about chocolate donut pancake surprise?

trollbait 08-24-2009 11:18 AM

Or Chef's Salty, Chocolate Balls.

bowtieguy 08-24-2009 01:09 PM

you guys are killing me. ya know i got that self-help health care thread.

i hate coffee, but i love coffee ice cream. my wife bought me a hagan daaz(spelling?) sampler the other day, and i killed it ALONE. i conveniently missed the label showing the fat, sugar, and calories.

dkjones96 08-24-2009 01:26 PM

They used to have an oat meal cookie flavor and I pretty much gave up on ice cream when they discontinued that and since I moved to New Mexico I can't get Blue Bell's cinnamon flavor.

Probably a good thing, I can kill off a gallon of that a day myself if it is in the freezer!

theholycow 08-24-2009 02:04 PM

Oatmeal cookie flavor with ice cream texture? It doesn't sound good...

bowtieguy 08-24-2009 02:13 PM

ya never know. yoplait used to make a yogurt called "breakfast" yogurt. it had nuts and barley, and it was fantastic!

dkjones96 08-25-2009 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 140409)
ya never know. yoplait used to make a yogurt called "breakfast" yogurt. it had nuts and barley, and it was fantastic!

They don't make those anymore? It's been so long since I've shopped for yogurt I hadn't even realized it. I used to like that too!

The ice cream was REALLY good. It was like eating the dough only without the raw egg.

The one flavor I can't stand because it's so weird is birthday cake. It just feels wrong.

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 08-25-2009 07:00 AM

"Fancy" yogurt... buy bulk tub of yoghurt, buy bulk bag of granola, buy bulk jar of strawberry jam...

Pour cup of yogurt, stir in a spoon of strawberry jam, throw in a couple of spoons of granola....

dkjones96 08-25-2009 08:30 AM

Unfortunately, if I buy bulk anything it goes bad before most of it is used. I rarely even buy stuff to freeze anymore because it gets freezer burnt before I finish it off.

trollbait 08-26-2009 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 140408)
Oatmeal cookie flavor with ice cream texture? It doesn't sound good...

You can always go with the drink.
Equal parts Goldshlager, Buttershots, and Bailey's.

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