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shatto 03-14-2012 08:02 AM

Man Card

GasSavers_JoeBob 03-14-2012 09:43 PM

Re: Man Card

Originally Posted by shatto (Post 166235)


Epic beard? Yup.
Rescue kitten from a tree? Yup.
Smoke tobacco from a pipe? Well...I smoked SOMETHING from a pipe...does that count? :)
Drink Glenlivet 18 neat? Hell...I'd drink Old FedCal neat!
Be 1/10 as manly as Steve McQueen? I think he'd have done good to be 1/10 as manly as you or me!
Rebuild engine? That was a boyhood rite of passage where I grew up!
Everything else is on my "to do" list...

bowtieguy 03-15-2012 12:19 AM

Re: Man Card
for me, it was over before it started...

cant grow ANY beard...in fact, i only have to shave twice per week
dont(and wont) smoke or drink
dont care to rescue a cat for any reason
have never had a reason to rebuild a motor...always have taken good care of cars
huge face scar? rattle snake bite? no thanks

i'd like to learn to weld and would carry a buckskin knife however
as for the rest...i'm too busy working to provide for my family

bowtieguy 03-15-2012 12:30 AM

Re: Man Card
my man card list:

continue to date your wife long after the wedding day
work hard w/out complaining and make it to work sick or hurt
help a stranger w/out expecting anything in return
love and laugh unconditionally
make a person or place better than before you met or visited
give to charity in whatever fashion you are able
know your weaknesses and work to correct them
stop and smell the roses and count your blessings
protect the weak

no doubt, there are others...

IndyFetch 03-15-2012 03:41 AM

Re: Man Card
So far my wife and I are pretty much tied on the Man Card. :-/

trollbait 03-15-2012 07:53 AM

Re: Man Card
Hope, that doesn't include the beard.

IndyFetch 03-15-2012 05:11 PM

Re: Man Card
The beard gives me a point up on her. She can actually weld, while I cannot. She has rescued a kitten from a tree, while I have a face scar. I am about to rebuild my first engine, while she has survived a (big spider) bite. We both like to hike... you get the picture.

Ford Man 03-16-2012 10:31 AM

Re: Man Card

Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 166242)
my man card list:

continue to date your wife long after the wedding day
work hard w/out complaining and make it to work sick or hurt
help a stranger w/out expecting anything in return
love and laugh unconditionally
make a person or place better than before you met or visited
give to charity in whatever fashion you are able
know your weaknesses and work to correct them
stop and smell the roses and count your blessings
protect the weak

no doubt, there are others...

Nice list!!

bowtieguy 03-16-2012 01:44 PM

Re: Man Card

low&slow 03-20-2012 07:48 PM

Re: Man Card

Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 166242)
my man card list:

continue to date your wife long after the wedding day
work hard w/out complaining and make it to work sick or hurt
help a stranger w/out expecting anything in return
love and laugh unconditionally
make a person or place better than before you met or visited
give to charity in whatever fashion you are able
know your weaknesses and work to correct them
stop and smell the roses and count your blessings
protect the weak

no doubt, there are others...

Great list for real men!!!!!

tradosaurus 03-21-2012 06:13 AM

Re: Man Card
My man card is simple; Be the head of the family and don't let your wife ever believe she can hold any leverage on you.

I want to be a role model for my sons when searching for a wife and a role model for my daughters when searching for a husband.

madnessspirit 03-21-2012 02:19 PM

Re: Man Card
I don't have anything on that right column, haven't hiked an Appalachian trail or entered a lumberjack contest. As far as the scar goes.... Well, I have a big one diagonally across my nose from when my truck decided to break my nose instead of give up a part... but everything else I have definitely done. Last year, I didn't shave once from the beginning of September until New years, but I quit smoking years ago.... I only used a pipe for fun for a little while. Kittens, bucks, Knives, welding, engine, done. Steve McQueen? Well, I should hope I'm at least 1/10th as manly...

I'll see that list and add that I have been raising my three young boys all by myself for 2 years now, without help or support from anyone else. Does single dad make up for Rattlesnake and log cabin? I've actually never even seen a person try and steal a purse in real life...

shatto 03-21-2012 11:11 PM

Re: Man Card

Originally Posted by tradosaurus (Post 166333)
My man card is simple; Be the head of the family and don't let your wife ever believe she can hold any leverage on you. If you are married to a woman, it surely is not a result of your superiority on any level.

I want to be a role model for my sons when searching for a wife and a role model for my daughters when searching for a husband.

When they are babies, start teaching them that; nobody is ever to insert any part of their body into any part of them. (No, they can't stick a finger in your eye or ear or nose or belly-button or any where else.)
Be mannerly to everyone of all ages.
And, when a boy dates (at age 28 or older) the girl shall be returned in the same condition as when they left.

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