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mathrock 09-08-2008 04:25 AM

Multiple fillups per day - broken
I went on a road trip this weekend and thereby had multiple fillups per day (in my case I stopped for gas three times during the same day). The site does not correctly trend the fillups on the graph and the top box for "last MPG" corresponds to the first fillup out of three for the day.

Take a look at my "Recent Fillups" section for an example.

pb 09-08-2008 04:48 AM

Very true, mathrock. How would you like to see Fuelly handle multiple fuel-ups on one day for the trend graph? We can't have a trend line going to three different points. Would you like to see an average MPG from that day, or would you like to see the three distinct points with the line connecting to one of them? (Maybe the best of the group from that day?)

pb 09-08-2008 05:05 AM

A quick way to fix this would be to repeat the day on the x-axis. Then all fuel-ups could be connected.

Moofed 09-08-2008 05:22 AM

I added 2 fuel-ups yesterday. My intuition told me I would see the average for that day, but repeating the day is an interesting idea. However, they should still be shown in the correct order.

My dashboard shows the first fuel-up(@39.3 mpg), but the vehicle page shows the correct one (@53.6 mpg).

mathrock 09-08-2008 06:45 AM

Maybe the average for the day, but it would be better if you could change the x-axis to have finer resolution (hour) and put the actual times and values for the fillups.

mathrock 09-08-2008 06:46 AM

@moofed: I noticed the same problem on mine as well.

pb 09-08-2008 07:04 AM

For now I added all the fuel-ups to the graph by repeating the day with [2], [3], etc.. following the date. We've considered adding time to fuel-ups before, and we've decided against it in the past to keep the form as simple as possible. We might need to consider that again, though.

Oh, and the last mpg should be fixed up on car profiles and the dashboard.

mathrock 09-08-2008 07:46 AM

Thanks! I can see how the times could make things busy looking, I like keeping things simple. Plus you have the raw data available at https://www.fuelly.com/driver/user/car/log

Pontiac 09-08-2008 01:56 PM

How 'bout as far as adding time, make it optional, just default it to 12:00am when submitting to the DB. If the end user needs it, click a button, show the time options, and that gets submitted to the DB along with the date?

The user just needs to be aware that in the case of multi-fillups in a day, that the option is present.

photostitch 09-10-2008 12:15 AM

You may want to submit total miles driven, along with total gallons purchased, and leave the price blank, if the gas is priced differently at each gas station for the day of multiple fill-ups.

I suspect the database is set up for one entry per person each day. logged by a single date.

pb 09-10-2008 01:02 AM

nah, it's ok photostitch, people can enter multiple fuel-ups per day. There's no reason to try to work it all into one fuel-up somehow.

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