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MetroMPG 08-30-2006 07:26 AM

the problem(s) with drive-throughs, and a solution
Was reading this post at Autoblog Green, part of which the writer laments about idling cars in the drive-through lane at his post office...


And it reminded me of a fight brewing in Ottawa between local government and coffee & donut giant, Tim Horton's, over the councillors desire to prohibit drive-through businesses on certain streets (which isn't just about the pollution from idling issue)...

And I had a simple thought (most of mine are...)

If I were in charge of a company whose business model included a significant amount of revenue from drive-through traffic, I'd look into having all our future drive-through lanes built on a slight grade, so that my customers had the option of switching off their vehicles after placing their order, and coasting to the pick-up window, rather than idling the whole time (or starting/stopping the engine multiple times).

What a PR coup that could be.

ketel0ne 08-30-2006 08:28 AM

Slides Burgers and Fries :)

rh77 08-30-2006 09:01 AM

Ah, the Drive-Thru

Originally Posted by ketel0ne
Slides Burgers and Fries :)

Drive-Thru's absolutely kill the gas mileage in a tank, I agree. I quit using them in my personal vehicles 90% of the time now (when testing cars for review, I go through them to simulate 'actual' driving).

Whilst getting one's doughnut, would the average Joe turn his car off? I get wierd looks for just coasting in my neighborhood. There would be law suits "I had no brakes, I couldn't steer!" The general public needs re-aligned.

Here's what happens that I like to observe :rolleyes:

I remember which vehicle was in the drive line as I go into the establishment. I get the product quicker most of the time and then walk in front of the "target" car (which maybe moved 2 car-lengths) as I walk to my Zero-Emissions parked car. Just by picking my butt up and walking, I usually save 2-3 minutes a day and hundreds of pounds of CO2 a year.


MetroMPG 08-30-2006 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by rh77
Just by picking my butt up and walking, I usually save 2-3 minutes a day and hundreds of pounds of CO2 a year.

Not to mention you burn 20 extra calories you otherwise wouldn't have, which slightly offsets the calories you're just about to ingest. :)

Silveredwings 08-30-2006 09:24 AM

...I'm having a Ruby Goldberg vision of some heavy car'd customer losing vacuum, thinking brakes have failed, freaking out, crashing into the car in front, spilling scalding hot coffee in a lap, blah, blah... :D

Oh wait, you live in Canada. ;)


MetroMPG 08-30-2006 09:27 AM

I wasn't going to say it. :)

kickflipjr 08-30-2006 09:36 AM

I have thought about the same thing. Coasting thru a drive thru would be great, but it might be a bit too hardcore for the average american.

Silveredwings 08-30-2006 09:38 AM

There are times when I have kids in the back, there is no playground, and I don't want to go through the hassle of disentangling them from their car seats, etc. and so I end up languishing in the drive-thru purgatory. :/

Hybrids like the Prius have a clear advantage here in that they can operate in EV-only mode.

MetroMPG 08-30-2006 09:40 AM

New opportunity for squeegee kids: "drive-through pusher kids".

Also, it doesn't even have to be publicized, and the business doesn't open itself to the inevitable lawsuits. That way only the smart & observant folks (such as ourselves) would recognize the FE / emissions reduction opportunity and seize it.

Sludgy 08-30-2006 11:43 AM

I'm for the drive-through ban.

So many of us Americans are obese, in large part due to our sedentary lifestyle, of which driving is a huge part. Waiting in a drive-through for a cholesterol and fat laden burger and fries exacerbates the obesity problem.

Make the fatties waddle to the counter. It may be the only exercise they get all day.

rh77 08-30-2006 12:03 PM

Car Wash
Here ya go, how about one of those car wash tracks? Pop into N, shut 'r down and get jerked along by an electric motor :p

How about a mandatory tax for using the DT as a function to reduce usage, and use the money to research/promote fuel efficiency? Some states have different tax structures for eating-in at a fast food place versus using the drive-thru (but it's usually tax inside, only drinks taxed in the drive -- reversed structure). Yeah, that'll happen :(


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