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zpiloto 09-27-2006 10:13 AM

Whats your concentration factor.
I though I throw this out after looking at another thread. When you're driving do you listen to the sound system? I find that I'm concentrating pretty hard thus I can't talk on the phone or listen to the radio it just all becomes back ground noise :D so I leave it off.

GasSavers_DaX 09-27-2006 10:18 AM

I'm nearly always dialed into AM 750 talk radio. My car only has 5.25" front door speakers...it's all I need.

Matt Timion 09-27-2006 10:25 AM

When cruising around town I like talk radio. When attempting to hypermile I will turn on the ipod and listen to something soothing. Soothing music also puts the traffic into perspective, and removes any desire for me to go 80mph

GasSavers_Jack 09-27-2006 10:58 AM

I used to be a talk radio man but the VX has no antenna so I have been ipod audio book kinda guy for a while.

JanGeo 09-27-2006 11:44 AM

Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't - when I don't I am amazed at how quiet the xB is . . . there is more transmission whine than engine noise. Then there are times when I crank up the 160watt 6 speaker system and play some MP3 music off the CD.

tomauto 09-27-2006 02:21 PM

crank up the 160 watts stereo! sorry man...that's funny.

I have a modest 280 watt amp running to my FRONT speakers, and a 350 rms amp for the subwoofer.

JanGeo 09-27-2006 03:09 PM

Yeah but my ears still work so I don't need that many watts. You probably think it's funny but when cars with these super sub whoofers are sitting in traffic outside my office while I am trying to work and stuff on my shelves are rattling, it is hard for me to work and I am on the second floor of a brick building.

kickflipjr 09-27-2006 03:53 PM

I turn it on and off frequently. I turn it off in town and when i am climbing hills (I need more concentration).

Compaq888 09-27-2006 08:13 PM

On the freeway I turn on the cd player. On the streets rarely because I listen to the engine noise when to shift. I have a DX. I can also shift by my MPH but sometimes I use the engine noise.

onegammyleg 09-27-2006 09:03 PM

And regarding concentration I was going to say ..... . :confused: . , my cat is so funny , he does back flips , weeeeeee.

FormulaTwo 09-27-2006 10:35 PM

Had a "system" for a couple months. Sold it last week actually. Wasn't blasting rap or anything like that.
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture sounded great on it. :thumbup:
Cannons, mmmm

I will be removing my Pioneer head unit and infiniti 6 1/2 door speakers tomorrow.

Got an Ipod cheap from a friend, and by Ipod i mean a "mini" and by cheap i mean FREE. So i couldnt turn down the chance. Think of all the reduced electrical load on my alternator.

Now as far as driving around with ear bud headphones in......
Im not so sure im comfortable with that at all. I will most likely drive with a bud in my left ear only.

Thinking about throwing in one of those ipod speaker system addition's.
something similar to this....

Something maybe smaller than that, more simple, possibly battery powered. Something I can recharge with AA batteries etc...

From the ones I have heard they are more than loud enough for my little car.
On top of that my aero mods have cut down on road noise.
And i still have to get into my underbody work.

cfg83 09-28-2006 12:34 AM

Hello -

I have a kitchen timer that I set for 9 minutes. When the KFWB "traffic on the ones" comes on, I trigger the timer. After the traffic report, I may flip between Air America, KPFK FM, Tape, el cheapo CD player (probably with a book on CD), or el-cheapo MP3 player. When the alarm goes off, I switch back to KFWB, always in search of traffic accidents.

But sometimes I leave it on the news channel. Sometimes I flip between the baseball games. I can get Dodgers, Angels, Padres, and Giants (after the sun sets).

I wear a stupid headset in case my wife calls, but I like the stupid headset anti-style.

I am very distracted and very engaged at the same time because I am trying to optimize my route (35+ miles one way in LA!!!!!!) just like all of you.


Bunger 09-28-2006 08:59 PM

Don't have a radio in the car... or a heater... or... well... not much beside the basics. =)

rh77 09-29-2006 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by theclencher
LOL! These fools are going to need hearing aids by the time they hit 40. If they live that long.

What? What did he say, I couldn't hear him...

90% of the time, the radio is playing NPR, CDs, or just FM stations (10% of the time, I'm just tired of driving and noise). I have to distract that part of my brain while I focus on the SG (and the road :rolleyes: ) I can't talk and drive, usually the sentence will start, then half-way through I forget what I was talking about and concentrate on the "Zone". The highway is different -- a little less interaction with the road. I dislike the cell-phone -- I'd like to pitch it in the Missouri River as I cross it -- but duty calls (literally).


JanGeo 09-29-2006 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by Bunger
Don't have a radio in the car... or a heater... or... well... not much beside the basics. =)

you sure you're not driving a motorcycle?

tomauto 09-30-2006 04:28 PM

Deaf by 40, maybe....lets hope im alive.

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