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tom_eberhard 04-02-2007 06:20 AM

Project Progress Report (2007/03/31)

I've been reading lots of business/motivational books lately, including
Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles" and one of the things he
recommend is starting some kind of "success club", where a couple of
people get together and say what they did during the week to achieve
their goals, and set the goal for the coming week.

So I'm starting this thread to do just that, and I'll be sending updates
on Monday. I'd love to hear from other people's projects, even if it's
something as simple as "I removed the roof rack and inflated the tires."

Tom's Hybrid-electric car project:

Last week was actually a very good one, I finally bought the motorcycle
engine on ebay! I had spent the last 3 weeks trying to find "the right one"
and I was outbid a couple of times. Of course I end up buying an expensive
one and two days later I get a second chance offer on a cheaper one! :)

But I am now the proud owner of a 2004 Suzuki GSX-R600 engine. The
next step is to get it to work. For that I'm getting more parts on ebay,
like the exhaust, fuel pump, that kind of stuff.

Now the goal is to have it running by the end of the week or earlier.

Matt Timion 04-02-2007 06:21 AM

ohh... I would love to see a motorcycle engine in a CRX.


red91sit 04-02-2007 02:01 PM

I love this idea as well! it seems we could all get a little big more motivated by such a thread.

tom_eberhard 04-09-2007 11:04 AM

Project Progress Report (2007/04/09)
Well, my grand plan to have a running engine by the end of the week
was a bit unrealistic. I bought most of the parts on ebay, and they have
started coming in. I have a few more to buy, but they're expensive and
I'm hoping to get them at or below average prices.

In the mean time I started building an engine stand, and it's about
half done. My welds are starting to look acceptable. Also machined a new
bolt out of some scrap metal I had since the engine didn't come with all the
bolts. I also discovered that the starter cover was cracked, and it leaked
some oil. Made the template for the rest of the stand. I'll post pictures of
the engine as soon as I figure out how, for now see the links below.



This week: finish engine stand, paint it, label wire harness, order the rest
of the parts, bolt'em on. FIRE IT UP! (watch me have the same goal next week...)

psyshack 04-09-2007 12:14 PM

I dont understand a GSXR-600 in a CRX. That engine has no grunt properties.

I can think of alot of motorcycle engines that would do better in a micro car app. Then a tach sailing quad.

any old sportster v-twin. (883)
yamaha vertical 650 (brit knock off) 750 dohc. Trip 750, 500cc Yamaha single.
Honda had a way cool 500 V I think it was in the Ascot.
If going quad. GS 1000 Suzk hands down.
If wanting to go water cooled. OMG the engines that crop up. Hondas 500cc or so mini wing motor. Susk's knock off desmo engines found in V-storm.
If bullet proof was in order,,, then way not a old Yamaha XS1100.

Im just not understanding a GSXR-600.......


OOO and those BMW boxers....

tom_eberhard 04-16-2007 06:55 AM

Project Progress Report (2007/04/16)
Hello psyshack,
thank you for your comments, I have to clarify a few things:
the car will be a hybrid-electric car, so most of the grunt will come
from the electric motor. The motorcycle engine is there for cruising
and charging the batteries.
The GSXR600 engine has enough grunt and horsepower for that,
unless I misunderestimated. The BMW's were also considered, but
I'm under the impression that they're less popular and I wanted to
have a good supply of used parts on ebay.
It was also selected because it's fuel injected, and has good aftermarket
support for reprogramming the ECU. (I'll leave it stock for now.)

Ok, now for the weekly update:
- I finished the engine stand.
- Parts have started coming in slowly, still buying a few things.
- I discovered that the starter cover was cracked, and that part keeps
eluding me on ebay. Grumble.
- Started figuring out the wiring harness, something I've never done
before. With a manual, wiring diagram and label maker I've labelled
all the major wires, 3 or 4 small ones remain a mystery.
- The wires connecting the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor
were cut really close to the sensor, not sure how to fix that yet.
- Connected the throttle bodies.
- The airbox I got on ebay included velocity stacks, so I don't have to
buy those, very exciting.
- Priced a motor from UQM (unique mobility at www.uqm.com), way out of
my price range for the first car.

Goals for this week:
- Do my taxes...
- List parts that are missing and buy them. (electrical and hoses)
- Fix ECT sensor wiring
- Assemble parts as they arrive.
- Make bracket for exhaust + mount exhaust.
- Review survey results (remove my test answers)
- Research space frames some more and have first iteration drawn.

Pics at the usual www.greenplanetgarage.com


Originally Posted by psyshack (Post 46900)
I dont understand a GSXR-600 in a CRX. That engine has no grunt properties.

OOO and those BMW boxers....

BumblingB 04-16-2007 05:17 PM

So far this week April 15 & 16-

Got a new exhaust on the Metro - not a complete success as I paid someone else to install it. A RARE ocassion indeed, but it fell apart on the way to work and I've been under the microscope lately by a new person in charge for making my own hours. The old regime told me to work when I want as long as there are no complaints and they don't hear that my work hasn't been getting done. :mad:

Last week was a GREAT week!:April 7-13-

- Got the A/C working again in the Metro AND the Jetta!

- Got ONE door on the Jetta tinted - only three to go!

- Detailed the Insight like there's no tomorrow, ouch my arm hurts from patting myself on the back for that. After the detailing I listed it on eBay - this week it has continued it's success as I have never seen this many people "watching" an auction. For those not familiar, selllers are able to see how many people have their auction saved. If I even have 5% of the watchers as serious bidders in a sniping war, it will be a very successful auction and I will hopefully get the most out of the car.

- Got my tractor running again and reattached the bush hog that fell off with a simple reciever hitch pin, before it had a fancy pin in there that came out in the woods somewhere. Next I was able to mow part of the lawn, maybe an acre or so - quite a ways to go.

- Cleaned out another shed and found my tools!!! I didn't even know I had them. Forgot about them when I packed them away about a year and a half ago.

All in all, a successful week that is overflowing into this week. I'm a happy camper.

tom_eberhard 04-19-2007 03:05 PM

Hey Wazabi Owner,
Thanks for the update, I love to hear about other people's projects.
Do you have a link for the auction on ebay?
Where did you get those wheels for the Metro? Spun on a lathe? Dumpster dived lamp shades? :)


BumblingB 04-19-2007 03:31 PM

I'll let you search eBay for the Insight. You'll notice it, it's the one that stands out amoung the others. Only a day left.

I picked up the wheels for the Metro at an auction - $40 for wheels & Yokohoma tires!, I run the hubcaps now though. Racing discs on cheap Pepboys tires.

Wait til I start gutting/updating my motorhome. THAT will be a project!!


Originally Posted by tom_eberhard (Post 48226)
Hey Wazabi Owner,
Thanks for the update, I love to hear about other people's projects.
Do you have a link for the auction on ebay?
Where did you get those wheels for the Metro? Spun on a lathe? Dumpster dived lamp shades? :)


tom_eberhard 04-29-2007 06:27 PM

Well, the good news is that I found a job! Hello Money, Goodbye Free Time!
Two weeks ago not much happened because I was out of town on the
weekend to celebrate my mom's birthday. Happy birthday mom! :)

Progress on the car has slowed down a bit. I figured out how I'm going to
fix the wiring harness, and have started doing the fix. The connector
to the ECT Sensor (Engine Coolant Temp sensor) had been cutoff way
too close to allow a simple splice, so I dipped the connector in acid to
loosen stuff up, removed two little rubber boots, jammed some fine
copper wire into the connector, and inserted new cables in. Next I'll
put some epoxy in there, solder quick-connects, and some put some
heat shrink tubing over the whole thing.

Figured out what hoses and other small stuff I was missing, and ordered
it from cyclepartsnation.com. I got an email they shipped the stuff, but the
UPS tracking number is still bogus, after 3 days. Hopefully I won't get
screwed on that deal...

Did some desing work on the frame, but I should have taken that
Mechanical Engineering class while an undergrad...

SVOboy 04-29-2007 06:30 PM

M.E. is for suckers. I'm prolly going to regret not taking all that crap when I'm a jap/linguistics double major with no idea how to weld...:)

Good to hear you figured out the harness, can't wait to see it done.

BumblingB 04-30-2007 05:43 PM

Week April 22-29

- Fixed the Jetta A/C again, this time I should have the leaks fixed. :) It's COLD! Also changed the oil, changed over to synthetic and it runs MUCH smoother. I've changed oil in cars hundreds of time and for the first time the old filter seal stuck to the filter mount, good thing I always check "just in case".

- Bought a little Cushman Turf-Truckster. Has a hydraulic dump bed and 3 low/3 high transmission. It's friggin' awesome! Great for getting stuff done on the property. Need to get the lights working and straighten one of the bed brackets as the bed sits warped.

- Got a considerable amount of stuff done at work too.

- This weeks list includes tint the Metro windows, tint the Corolla windows and finish tinting the Jetta. Also need to change the oil in the Metro.

tom_eberhard 04-30-2007 06:50 PM

SVOboy: for the love of Christ, please learn a couple of practical things while in college on top of your regular classes. 1 or 2 business classes (accounting and marketing?), a computer programming class, and machine shop if they offer it. (It's probably called manufacturing methods in the ME department) And of course welding, but that can usually be done at a vocational school if they offer evening programs.

>Good to hear you figured out the harness, can't wait to see it done.
yeah me too. A couple of sportbikes just rode by and those engines sound nasty. I can't wait to have one too, hehehe...

Wazabi Owner:
Isn't running the AC going to affect your mileage a lot?
What do you do for work?
Is the tinting to keep the car cool or to be cool?


SVOboy 04-30-2007 08:01 PM

I don't think we offer normal "accounting" type classes. I will be taking a java class, but I already sort of know it and have found it useless. We offer neither machine nor welding, nor anything close. To get into any classes where I would learn something practical would take many prerequisites. I have planned my four years to the letter and am very happy with how it looks, :)

Bill in Houston 05-01-2007 04:38 AM

Two of the most useful classes I took in engineering school were 1- engineering economics and 2- microeconomics. Engineering economics taught stuff like time value of money, ROI, present value, etc. Very useful when thinking about mortgages or saving for college. Microeconomics taught stuff like elasticity, commodity vs brand value, supply vs demand, etc. Very useful when wondering why asparagus is 3 bucks for a little bundle, and bottled water costs more than gasoline, yet gas prices get more press. :-)

BumblingB 05-01-2007 06:37 PM

I always commute two people in the car, since my wife is the passenger I am going to have to take the hit in mileage or just take the hit like a man. She'll beat me up if I don't keep it cool in there. :eek: Just Kidding. She'll just yell at me.....a lot.

I teach something along the lines of transporting hazardous materials, packaging, paperwork etc. Check out what I found in the ditch behind my car at work today, about 12 feet from my car.

Keep the car cool. I just go with 35%. Not trying to be cool, I ooze coolness without even trying. :rolleyes: Tonight I tinted the two rear doors of the Corolla, that precut tint is awesome - super simple. Should finish it tomorrow evening.


Originally Posted by tom_eberhard (Post 49735)
Wazabi Owner:
Isn't running the AC going to affect your mileage a lot?
What do you do for work?
Is the tinting to keep the car cool or to be cool?


Bill in Houston 05-01-2007 07:09 PM

DOT labeling - oooo, getting...sleepy... :-)

trebuchet03 05-01-2007 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Wazabi Owner (Post 49820)
I teach something along the lines of transporting hazardous materials, packaging, paperwork etc. Check out what I found in the ditch behind my car at work today, about 12 feet from my car.

I read about hazardous materials... saw the picture... saw the gator... re-read... looked at the picture again... and again, still not seeing the anything hazardous... It just occurred to me, there's probably a lot of people that haven't seen a gator outside of a zoo :p I have got to get out of Florida :D

tom_eberhard 05-02-2007 05:29 PM

SVOBoy: Hopefully I didn't come across as offensive with my comment on your classes, glad you're happy with them. But I thought you were going to Dartmouth and they have an engineering school there as far as I remember from my campus visit eons ago, and they should offer a couple of useful things. You can always sneak in into the big freshman lectures...

The croc pic: Damn I didn't even see it!

SVOboy 05-02-2007 05:35 PM

I am going to dartmouth, and thayer does exist, but my schedule is packed and prereqs for more useful courses are a burden...it wasn't offensive, so dont worry. Just know I'm making the most out of my time. Besides, I can pick up many of those sorts of things on my own more than I can the things I'm studying (At least in my mind). So finish your project...

BumblingB 05-02-2007 06:10 PM

I'm waiting for that thing to be waiting under my car one day and snap at my ankles. This is just a little guy, there was one that was biiiggggg that used to live in the ditch but they took him away. He got too desensitized to people - they (not me) were walking about a foot up to it and snapping pics. stupid stupid stupid :( I see them doing this to the new gator too, people are laready starting to hang out in my parking lot always looking at him.

As far as projects -

ALMOST done tinting the Corolla windows BUT I need to redo the rear window. I tried doing it in one piece - I won't be doing that again. Sides look GREAT! Still have to do drivers window, got home too late and I have to roll down my window in the morning on my way to work - I can just see it peeling. Sooo, tomorrow I'll finish up the driver window. This weekend I may do the Metro but I HAVE to mow the lawn and that will take a couple days itself. Anyone want to go ride around on a nice sized compact tractor? It's fun.......... ;)

Bill in Houston 05-03-2007 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Wazabi Owner (Post 49928)
Anyone want to go ride around on a nice sized compact tractor? It's fun.......... ;)

Does it have cupholders? And an 8-track player? :-)

tom_eberhard 05-08-2007 04:35 AM

4 Attachment(s)
So... as always I've been busy with other crap, but I'm making slow and
steady progress.

Replaced the starter cover which was cracked, still missing one screw.
Note to self: buy little screw for starter cover.

Finally received parts I bought two weeks ago. This was silly stuff like
hoses, bolts, screws, and small stuff that isn't on ebay. This is the stuff
I had started to worry about in one of my previous posts. Anyway, next
time I'll take the 10% to 20% markup at the local dealer to avoid
waiting two weeks for it.

Started installing the radiator, and of course I managed to build an
engine stand that is exactly in the way of where the radiator is supposed
to go. I decided not to rebuild the engine stand, but I'll somehow stretch
the radiator hoses or something. So I make two brackets out of some
angle iron from the (precious) scrap pile, and welded them on.

Bought 4 exhaust gaskets to install the exhaust manifold. Guess what,
that engine stand is also in the way of the exhaust.

Not sure if I mentionned it previously, but my fix to the ECT connector
seems to work, my trusty voltmeter indicates continuity.

This week:
- Install radiator
- Install airbox
- Fix engine stand so I can bolt on the exhaust.

Hope ya'all's doing well with yer projects. And I want to see a pic of
those tinted windows.

tom_eberhard 05-14-2007 07:20 PM

Project Progress Report (2007/04/14)
8 Attachment(s)
Unbelievably, I managed to do all of my big goals from last week:
- the radiator is mounted and the hoses seem to reach ok.
- the airbox is installed.
- and I hacked the engine stand and re-welded it so the exhaust would fit!

I had some insights on how I (mis)manage my projects, and shared it with
my neighbor, who has been avoiding his own project. Some of you might
find it useful, here's the email I sent him, slightly edited:

I can't seem to get things done in a reasonable time. I've kind of
discovered that there are several phases to a project, and I came up
with something that I call "phase 0", which is when you know you
should be doing something, but you have not committed to it. The
best way to recognize that you're in phase 0 is when you hear yourself
say "I should" be doing this, or "I should" work on that. Whenever you
hear "I should", then you're in phase 0. When you're in phase 0, you're

Then there's the traditional other phases, planning, execution, review, etc.
But those can't happen while you're in phase 0. So the trick is to get out
of phase 0 and into phase 1, planning. The way that you do that is by...
drum roll please... it's "simply" by deciding and completely committing to
do it. You have to decide that you've had enough of drifting, that's it,
you're going to do whatever it takes to start and finish the job. In your
mind, visualize it as completed and done. It sounds simple, but it's the
explanation that's simple, doing it is the hard part.

For something a bit more concrete, check out the attached pics.

tom_eberhard 05-22-2007 04:28 AM

Project Progress Report (2007/04/21)
This past week has been a mixed bag. I scored a cheap speedometer
and tach on ebay for the motorcycle engine, ordered a beat up gas tank,
and the hand controls. That's the good part.

Didn't get much done over the weekend besides organizing the garage
and putting together a workbench. It's chaos in that basement!!!

Did some research on AC motors: prices, weight, etc.

Decided to put all my project tasks into a Gantt chart. Evaluated an
open source program (GanttProject) but unfortunately it's not quite
ready yet.


Bill in Houston 05-22-2007 04:46 AM

Hey, Tom, I understand that you are building a hybrid CRX with a motorcycle engine, but is there anyplace that gives a little more detail on what exactly you are doing?

OdieTurbo 05-22-2007 05:59 AM

Hey can I join in the "Success" group? :)

Progress Report (2007/05/22)

Accomplishments - On 5/20/2007 I completed the following:
  • Temporarily removed the antenna (will relocate later)
  • Removed the useless air dam thingy under the nose of the Saturn
  • Purchased 1 interior mirror to replace the passenger side mirror

Goals - For the weekend of 5/26/2007 and 5/27/2007 I plan the following:
  • Relocation of antenna
  • Remove passenger side mirror
  • Purchase another interior mirror to replace the driver side mirror
  • Install front air dam made of Lawn Edging from Home Depot

Details and pictures of the upgrades/mods will be posted to https://www.gassavers.org/showthread.php?t=3496.

I think this is neat, more guys should hop in this. As a data analyst for our Operations Excellence department at work, my job is to help people set goals, meet them, then set new goals. I try to do the same thing in my life as well. Helps me from dwelling on a single bad thing since I can see what progress I've already made.

BumblingB 05-22-2007 07:06 PM

COMPLETE- Window tinting on Metro back and sides - Corolla is done. Both look as though I let a "special" person do it - still not too bad but FAR from good. I'm embarrassed BUT I figure what the heck. It doesn't obstruct vision and it is noticably cooler in both cars and I figure the more the cars look like crap the less likely someone will mess with them.

- Install cruise in Corolla - kit bought, need at least 2 days to figure it out etc.

- Get A/C's working on my motorhome. Bought new "house A/C" so I need to install that and need to charge the ICE A/C system. Also on the MH I need to put on a new 12V water pump for the house. Then pull the propane heater and block the lines, relocate the fridge to where the heater was/is and do a general remodel. I suspect it will take a good month of weekends and evenings to get that done. Hurricane season nears, I need to complete as my job makes it mandatory for my family and myself to leave if we are in the direct path of a good size storm. This is a priority project to complete.

- Replace the master cylinder on the Turf-Truckster (little Cushman dump truck I drive around) Brakes need work, right now I drive it without brakes. I just guess when it is about time to stop and plan ahead.

- Replace fuel pump and rebuild the master cylinder on the Corvette. It has been sitting for 3 years now and has been out of the public eye so it is a good time to break it out for the weekends again.

- Get the A/C working in the '30 (car on my avatar). A/C is in and ducted, I just need to plumb it and hook up the wires. Also need to install the Lokar shifter and get rid of the gargantuan B&M shifter. #1 priority on this car is replace the power valve - sucking up gas WAY TOO MUCH!! It was designed to get around 15-18mpg when driven easy. It is only getting 10mpg. I've got problems.

That's my to-do still, don't see it getting done soon as for the next few weeks I'll be bringing work home to do too. On top of that, I can't get any time off. I actually walked out today and told them I was gone even though I still had a meeting to go to. Pretty sure they covered for me - they usually do since they know I'm they only one that does what I do. I get a little buffer room to lose it every so often. Someday I'll get some time off, I told them I am taking 2 weeks in July - no matter what. Oh, I didn't mention the to-do list around the house.............

tom_eberhard 05-22-2007 07:42 PM

Bill in Houston: The plan is to mate together an electric motor and a motorcycle engine, and put in into a cool classic car. I'll provide details as soon as I figure out what I'm doing. :) :)

OdieTurbo: Glad you posted your week, you're now officially part of the most successful group ever.(tm) If you could post a pic of that Lawn edging air dam when you get it that would be cool. Very curious as to what it looks like.

Wazabi: wow, and I thought my list was huge! You've got a lot on your hands. Congratulations on the "special" tinting.

Not sure how much I'll get done this weekend given that it's labor day. But I did forget to mention goals in my last post:
- order wiring harness for instruments
- get organized: put the todo list into a Gantt Chart, and write what the next action is for each item on the list. Prioritize
- do 2 other things based on what the Gantt Chart says.
- triple check if any parts are missing and order them if necessary. Waiting for parts has been a huge waste of time...


Bill in Houston 05-23-2007 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by tom_eberhard (Post 52342)
Bill in Houston: The plan is to mate together an electric motor and a motorcycle engine, and put in into a cool classic car. I'll provide details as soon as I figure out what I'm doing. :) :)

Perfect! Thanks for letting us come along for the ride.

OdieTurbo 05-23-2007 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bill in Houston (Post 52362)
Perfect! Thanks for letting us come along for the ride.


OdieTurbo 06-04-2007 04:46 AM

Progress Report (2007/06/04)

Accomplishments - By 6/4/2007 I completed the following:
  • Applied to Broome Community College and was accepted! 1 class left for my Associates Degree!
  • Relocated the antenna under the plastic trim.
  • Made plastic piece to replace passenger side mirror. Still need to paint this week.
  • Both inside mirrors mounted.

Goals - From now until Monday 6/11/2007 I plan the following:
  • Install front air dam made of Lawn Edging from Home Depot. (Rained last weekend).
  • Help friend replace front struts on an old Sundance.
  • Sign up for my last class at BCC.
  • Paint plastic for passenger side mirror removal.
  • Go to hospital for bloodwork.

I'll update again on 6/11/2007! Until then, think positive! :) :thumbup:

tom_eberhard 06-05-2007 06:47 AM

Project Progress Report (2007/06/05)
Go Odie, Go Odie! Congratulations on the BCC thing!

Didn't post last week because it was labor day and I didn't get much done, ironically enough for "labor" day...

I did order the wiring harness for the instruments, and received an email that it was finally shipped.

I started the Gantt Chart, and the number of things left to do boggles the mind.

Started fabricating the bracket for the fuel tank. Found the right bolts for the bracket, and straightened out some bent metal. (It was a cheap fuel tank, all dinged up. Doesn't matter since it won't be used in the car anyway, this is just to get the engine to work on the bench)

Last year I bought a (big) used lathe, and yesterday I machined a little key that was lost when I moved the beast. According to the lady that sold it to me, her husband had bought it and then it sat in their basement for 10+ years because they didn't have 3 phase power. Anyway, yesterday the lathe carriage moved on its own for the first time in who knows how long. It was very exciting and I was psyched! I'll be using it to notch tubing and do all sorts of good things.

Drilled some holes in some angle iron and bolted them on to the engine stand, this is where the plastic battery tray + harness will go.

Emailed a friend who has a 3D digitizing machine and he's agreed to let me use it to scan a model car. This will hopefully let me figure out the design and dimensions of the roll cage and frame that needs to fit inside the car.

Goals for this week:
- order EZ bend 3D, software to help me design the roll cage.
- order 4130 steel to practice welding on.
- weld together the first two pieces of my frame jig.
- finish fabricating fuel tank bracket
- attach fuel pump to fuel tank
- procure gas tank cap.
- start fabricating brackets for handle bar + gauges.

I'm thinking of fixing up the rust holes of the CRX that prevent it from passing inspection. Driving that would at least double my gas mileage, which would be like having gas at 1.50/gallon. What I'm currently driving is too embarassing for this forum...


tom_eberhard 06-11-2007 05:10 AM

6 Attachment(s)
Goals from last week:

- order EZ bend 3D, software to help me design the roll cage.
Not done yet...

- order 4130 steel to practice welding on.
Not done yet...

- weld together the first two pieces of my frame jig.
Not done yet...

- finish fabricating fuel tank bracket
- attach fuel pump to fuel tank
done. Even the gas tank is attached. I'm getting closer!

- procure gas tank cap.
Not done yet...

- start fabricating brackets for handle bar + gauges.
Not done yet...

- connected the headlight wiring harness and gauges.

- The trees I had ordered online arrived and I lost focus and planted them, 2 maples and 2 spruces. I guess that's good, but planting trees does not a car build.

Below are some pics of the gas tank and bracketry.

This week's goals: finish the stuff I wanted to do last week. I'm still not all that happy with how slowly things are going, but I can say I've made some progress, which is sometimes all you can ask for.


Silveredwings 06-11-2007 08:18 AM

Great progression. Is this mount strictly for the bench testing, or is some of it going to make it into the car?

tom_eberhard 06-11-2007 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings (Post 56646)
Great progression. Is this mount strictly for the bench testing, or is some of it going to make it into the car?

Strictly bench testing. The tank isn't going to make it into the car either actually, although it would look cool in a Mitsubishi Eclipse kind of way. I'll have to get a tank from a car and put that in the rear of the car.

tom_eberhard 06-20-2007 06:29 AM

Project Progress Report (2007/06/20)
What's happenin' ya alls?
Some good progress last week, I have pics but they're at home and I'm at work. I'll add them later tonight if I have time.

I orded and received EZ Bend 3D, the software to help me design the roll cage. Ordered and received some 4130 steel to practice welding on.

Started fabricating the brackets for the handlebar and gauges, and I just have to add two pieces of pipe and I'll be able to attach the left and right throttle / clutch controls. Very exciting. And then it should all just work. :)

Finally ordred and received the gas tank cap. $47 on ebay.

I scanned part of the model car, but it was a bit trickier than I thought it would be. It turns out that you can just buy 3D models for just about anything already. So I'll probably spend the $ on a model instead.

This week:
- All about the handle bars: machine the pipe so the controls fit, weld'em on, attach left and right hand controls, attach ignition, attach cables.
- Look for and buy a good 3D model.
- Learn to use the tubing bender software. Get started with the roll cage.

Any progress on your stuff?

BumblingB 06-20-2007 07:07 PM

Sounds as though you've been busy too.

For me:

*Started the install on a certain alternate fuel source for my vehicle (maybe I shouldn't talk about it if the tax man is listening ;) )

**Installed (or had installed) an above ground pool - pretty big size - tonight was the first time/night I went swimming. LOTS of leveling the ground involved and we finally just dug into the ground a bit.

***Sold the Geo due to my purchase of my Maxima

****Got my tractor up and going, for good I hope.

*****Got electric installed in my garage, just built garage in December but I've been in the dark since I built it. Dream garage - somewhat - 3 stalls with LOTS of additional room for tools including a woodshop - one stall will have a lift at a later time.

TO DO SOON! - I plan to this weekend hopefully:

-Install permanent electrical to the pool

--Finish the conversion on my VW

---Backfill some dirt around th epool and move some dirt around the foundation of my building

----Detail the Maxima, I actually want to put it in a show as it is really that nice - though it doesn't seem to have a following. :cool:

To do within a month

+Build a deck around the pool and deck out the back door of the house with walkway to pool - hey, I live in a trailer because I'm "Trailer Trash" :D

++Complete EVERYTHING electrical in the garage. Lights, recepticles etc.

+++Mow (trust me, it takes FOREVER to mow - generally about 3 or 4 evening or a FULL day)

++++Install hot water heater and new cab battery in motorhome. Then rip out the interior and remodel that, then new sheetmetal on the exterior with some new paint. Also needs new exhaust and overdrive solenoid. :(

That's about it, I'm sure there's a bit I didn't put down like landscape around the pool and install that gazebo/patio next to the pool too. There's probably more too - I should be busy for quite a while. Some say my house is getting like a little Waco compound as it is isolated, I'm lacking a bit of firepower though.....

tom_eberhard 06-20-2007 09:02 PM

Well here's a long sequence of pics for the latest bracket. I know, it sounds real exciting. The file sizes are a tad over the 97K limit, so I put them on my site here:

PS: I can't believe you sold the Geo, Wazabi... And is that going to be a solar water heater for the motor home?

OdieTurbo 06-21-2007 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by OdieTurbo (Post 54951)
Progress Report (2007/06/04)

Goals - From now until Monday 6/11/2007 I plan the following:
  • Install front air dam made of Lawn Edging from Home Depot. (Rained last weekend).
  • Help friend replace front struts on an old Sundance.
  • Sign up for my last class at BCC.
  • Paint plastic for passenger side mirror removal.
  • Go to hospital for bloodwork.

I'll update again on 6/11/2007! Until then, think positive! :) :thumbup:

Sorry for the delay, time is really limited lately!

Completed - (Low on time at home though to get on PC and post)
  • Sundance struts replaced!
  • Signed up for classes! Now officially enrolled!
  • Bloodwork and other tests complete, Doc says I'm AOK.
  • Went to Baltimore to see a Shamanic healer about my illness.

Items left to do (complete by 6/25):
  • Install front air dam made of Lawn Edging from Home Depot.
  • Paint plastic for passenger side mirror removal.
  • Clean out throttle body, badly coked!
  • Go to DMV and get my PA driver's license.

Once I have my PA driver's license I'll be ready to do more aero mods to the car, I've been shy about it due to not wanting to get pulled over!

Awesome job on the test stand Tom!

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