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-   -   TV Newsroom needs your help in MI. (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f8/tv-newsroom-needs-your-help-in-mi-4937.html)

ANITA STORY 06-11-2007 09:07 AM

TV Newsroom needs your help in MI.
I work as an assignment editor at WOOD TV in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
I would like to find someone who is a hyper miler who would be willing to do a TV story with us. We would like to ride with you and get the hyper miler story out to the public.

Please contact me at
Steve Kelso
Assignment Editor

Hockey4mnhs 06-11-2007 09:13 AM

there are some people from around there i just hope they want to do it

Matt Timion 06-11-2007 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by ANITA STORY (Post 56662)
I work as an assignment editor at WOOD TV in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
I would like to find someone who is a hyper miler who would be willing to do a TV story with us. We would like to ride with you and get the hyper miler story out to the public.

Please contact me at
Steve Kelso
Assignment Editor

Hi Steve,

Please don't forget to mention the site when someone agrees to be interviewed :)

ma4t 06-11-2007 09:33 AM

I'm in Lansing
I'm not one of the better hypermilers, but I've improved mileage by about 5 mpg with a few simple suggestions here.

I got interested because I am a full-time law student, travelling to Lansing everyday to study for the bar, while having no income.

I'm free in the afternoons and I'd love to be able to help out.

I'd be willing to help out if some of the more experienced people can coach me by email.

legalrespresentation at yahoo dot com

(Just an email address. I'm not a lawyer.)


jwxr7 06-11-2007 09:49 AM

My car is unfit for tv, plus I'm way too shy :o .

bbgobie 06-11-2007 10:22 AM

With an extra person and camera equipment you might lose some of your FE!

CO ZX2 06-11-2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 56680)
My car is unfit for tv, plus I'm way too shy :o .

C'mon jamie. You can do it just fine.

I think your car and you would be a great inspiration to TV viewers. Many in your area probably have cars closer in appearance to what you have than pristine new hybrids.

You use your car every day in your commute, winter and summer, rain or shine. You also use it for general family use. You don't have any expensive or complicated mods to explain. Your driving and willingness to try a few things have made the difference.

Just get your facts together in a simple, coherent fashion that anyone can understand. Most of the people watching will be totally new to hypermiling techniques.

You have worked hard to accomplish what you have done. You owe it to others to spread the word of how you did it.

Steve, get after this guy. He is a hard worker that gets results.

Thanks CO ZX2

slurp812 06-11-2007 12:52 PM

Man, I would love to do that, but I am 188 miles away!!!!!
If there are no others closer I suppose I could even take a day off. (government job)...

kickflipjr 06-11-2007 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 56680)
My car is unfit for tv, plus I'm way too shy :o .

Do it! You are getting excellent mpg. Just tell them what you know.

ma4t 06-11-2007 01:59 PM

I'm a total ham, but I'm a total noob at this hypermiling thing. I'm only 60 miles away. I'm calling Steve tomorrow. Today I had way too much studying to do.


repete86 06-11-2007 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 56680)
My car is unfit for tv, plus I'm way too shy :o .

You should do it, man. It will show the people in that area that they can be driving a beater and still improve their mileage. There seems to be a general opinion that it's impossible to get great mileage without an expensive hybrid.

minic6 06-11-2007 04:46 PM

Me too

Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 56680)
My car is unfit for tv, plus I'm way too shy :o .

I like the loss in FE comment.

MnFocus 06-11-2007 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by repete86 (Post 56780)
You should do it, man. It will show the people in that area that they can be driving a beater and still improve their mileage. There seems to be a general opinion that it's impossible to get great mileage without an expensive hybrid.

^ Yeah that !

Matt Timion 06-11-2007 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by repete86 (Post 56780)
You should do it, man. It will show the people in that area that they can be driving a beater and still improve their mileage. There seems to be a general opinion that it's impossible to get great mileage without an expensive hybrid.


MnFocus 06-11-2007 05:37 PM

Have to admit there could be quite an interesting lead in to an unassuming 94 Metro that gets more than double the FE that many showroom new cars get ! Plus the statement against the "Throw Away Society" ...Recycling at it best ...Ya gotta do it .

slurp812 06-11-2007 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 56680)
My car is unfit for tv, plus I'm way too shy :o .

Dude! show them how its done!!!!

ma4t 06-12-2007 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 56680)
My car is unfit for tv, plus I'm way too shy :o .

You should totally do it.


jwxr7 06-12-2007 08:31 AM

I'm looking into it.

Hockey4mnhs 06-12-2007 09:40 AM


SVOboy 06-12-2007 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 56957)
I'm looking into it.


Gary Palmer 06-12-2007 11:04 AM

JWXR7: You should do it. I think it would have a whole lot more meaning to show people they can get great gas mileage, without having to spring for a new car.

SVOboy; What in the world is an *eggson*?

SVOboy 06-12-2007 11:06 AM

You know when you encourage someone to do something? Egging on? Is this an East coast thing?

bbgobie 06-12-2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Gary Palmer (Post 57008)
JWXR7: You should do it. I think it would have a whole lot more meaning to show people they can get great gas mileage, without having to spring for a new car.

SVOboy; What in the world is an *eggson*?

I think he meant to have a space
Too egg someone is kinda to tease them into doing it.
So lets keep egging him on!

GasSavers_DaX 06-12-2007 11:18 AM

Come to Atlanta - I'll show you hypermiling in a REAL beater. :)

MnFocus 06-12-2007 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 56957)
I'm looking into it.

Pwetty Pwease ? :p

Gary Palmer 06-12-2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 56986)

I know about egging someone on, but I had never heard it worded as *eggson*. I can't say whether it's a East Coast thing, or I'm socially ignorant, heh, thanks for the clarification.

Is it *eggson*, *egg son*, or *eggs on*?:(

SVOboy 06-12-2007 03:31 PM

Well, my rule for actions in asterisks, like *naps* or something is that I use no spaces or punctuation or anything, so, for example, *explainssillyrulestogary* would be something. So, yeah...it doesn't make any sense.

Bill in Houston 06-12-2007 04:23 PM

if a woman donates eggs, and then someone has a male child with one of her eggs, the he is her eggson.

Do it jwxr7, the jokes aren't getting any better!

MnFocus 06-12-2007 04:56 PM

slaps head *groan* shakes head says to self " Self , if that doesn't get him to do it ....nothing will "

diamondlarry 06-12-2007 05:00 PM

I'm ~100 miles away or about 2 hours-give or take. Hmm.

jwxr7 06-13-2007 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by diamondlarry (Post 57064)
I'm ~100 miles away or about 2 hours-give or take. Hmm.

Your not much farther than me.
I talked to steve on the phone last night, the story is still in early development. You should get ahold of him because you hypermiled the heck out of your saturn. He could use input over the phone (phone interview) if the distance is too great. I'm not crazy about being the center of attention.

Delta Flyer 06-13-2007 06:01 AM


Pardon my abrupt intro to Gassavers.

I've interviewed in the past and would like to share some notes....
- Getting interviewed is good to promote hypermiling
- Might want to Google "hypermiler", "hypermiling" with the News option and review past articles.
- Articles that have forums with readers comments such as www.msnbc.com have lots of people flaming. Note they blow a couple of things totally out of proportion: close drafting and being an obstruction while driving. We are a small group to start out with, and only a minority of us do these two things. The site I'm from publically has gone against close drafting. I stress the majority of hypermilers don't get in the way or pretend they are towed by 18-wheelers.
- We live in a legal world and after the reporter is done with the article, people in the legal department will add the "don't try this at home" stuff.

Hope that was helpful

MnFocus 06-13-2007 12:16 PM

...?? Was that Smilin' Bob ? ....

diamondlarry 06-13-2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by MnFocus (Post 57259)
...?? Was that Smilin' Bob ? ....

I think it was Smilin' Bob driving his Honda Enzyte.;) Welcome to GasSavers Delta. I shouldn't have too much problem with the drafting thing because I rarely do it. Even when I do, I'm still ~2 seconds back where it doesn't have a very big effect. The last time I did any drafting was back in April on the way back from tbaleno's and we were going 48-51 mpg on I-94 for about 15 miles. He never got irritated since I was on his bumper. Maybe I'll get on the cell phone and give the guy a call. Thanks for the tips Chuck.

SVOboy 06-13-2007 12:51 PM

Do it Larry! You're prius is ready for the spotlight, and you've been rockin' it!

diamondlarry 06-13-2007 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 57279)
Do it Larry! You're prius is ready for the spotlight, and you've been rockin' it!

I just sent him an email. I told him a little about my stats and told him that I don't draft and don't hold up traffic like some have been repoted to do. If he wasn't looking for a set-up to slam hypermilers it should be interesting.
Edit: I even offered to drive my Saturn if he wanted me to. I may have to pass on that since I can EOC in the Prius without the legal thing getting in the way.

Delta Flyer 06-13-2007 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by MnFocus (Post 57259)
...?? Was that Smilin' Bob ? ....

Yes, I'm the one.

The idea is a satire on some gas guzzlers that supposedly compensate. ;)

MnFocus 06-13-2007 01:07 PM

Ha! At least I now understand the whole story ! LOL

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