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budomove 11-23-2007 09:33 PM

Hummer drives over Civic in crash!

Hockey4mnhs 11-23-2007 09:50 PM

jeez crash a 120 grand car over a a few bucks.

GasSavers_Red 11-23-2007 10:22 PM


Erdrick 11-24-2007 04:09 AM

I love the last part. The police politely ask that people let them handle the law. I love it man. THAT is what the Hummer was built for baby!!!

be_good_customs 11-24-2007 09:19 AM


2000mc 11-24-2007 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Hockey4mnhs (Post 83475)
jeez crash a 120 grand car over a a few bucks.

crash? he's just high centered.

might cost him a few bucks to have a wrecker pull his hummer off the other car, from what you can see of the hummer in the video i dont think there is any visible damage.

theclencher 11-24-2007 10:47 AM


bet the criminals don't try to pull that stunt again!

trebuchet03 11-24-2007 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 83520)

bet the criminals don't try to pull that stunt again!

Yeah, but it's okay - there's another set of criminals willing and waiting :rolleyes:

That is pretty F'd up though - just waiting for the robbers to press charges. The guy in the Hummer had no right to do that :thumbdown:

But almost expected that a vehicle with such a high stance would do that - it was a matter of time....

ajohnmeyer 11-24-2007 12:20 PM

That's an H1 though, I doubt that the (much) more common H2 would do that in any type of "normal" crash.

MakDiesel 11-24-2007 12:52 PM

Yeah, the H2 is a piece, basically a Tahoe chassis and then plenty of adornments. I really, really, hate H2 on so many levels. Here's a pic of "normal" crashing a H2 w/ a similar vehicle (height-wise)


VetteOwner 11-24-2007 01:16 PM

lol looks liek the dodge made it out better.

theclencher 11-24-2007 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by trebuchet03 (Post 83522)
Yeah, but it's okay - there's another set of criminals willing and waiting :rolleyes:
That is pretty F'd up though - just waiting for the robbers to press charges. The guy in the Hummer had no right to do that :thumbdown:

I meant those particular criminals.

AND the Hummer guy had EVERY RIGHT to do that!!! Didja miss the part about three of them being armed? Anyone does anything to someone at gunpoint and I'd say ALL BETS ARE OFF, and more power to 'em! :thumbup:

trebuchet03 11-24-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 83559)

AND the Hummer guy had EVERY RIGHT to do that!!! Didja miss the part about three of them being armed? Anyone does anything to someone at gunpoint and I'd say ALL BETS ARE OFF, and more power to 'em! :thumbup:

I heard it all ;) But even more reason not to. Imagine if they actually opened fire - and took out some kid on his/her bike :thumbdown: An eye for an eye leaves the world blind :thumbdown: :thumbdown: <--- seek restitution, not revenge.

cfg83 11-25-2007 12:35 AM

Hello -

On page 24 of the comments, it looks like the H1 driver didn't come out ahead :


spaz122772 said (9 months ago)

The driver went bankrupt and left for active duty in the military shortly after the event. Last note: the other employees that where working with the h1 driver where single mexican/hispanic moms both had children and both where interviewed by Hispanic news and radio stations; once the facts came out the Hispanic community backed off of the story completely. You decide hero or not?


spaz122772 said (9 months ago)

The TV station that did this report was not aloud to interview with the individual (who was an employee) due to the negative spin on the reporting by TV 3, however many local channels, international, and national channels did. also a few radio stations where able to interview live on the air as well one of the armed suspect family members;(all four suspects where illegal, and one escaped from the hospital under police guard later to be caught for drug and/or assault charges).

It makes me want to know more about the H1 driver. The story behind the story and all that.


skewbe 12-14-2007 04:44 PM

I wish I could stop myself from posting this.

Mayhim 12-14-2007 05:04 PM

Geez...imagine if the robbers only got themselves hurt, or had they actually opened fire - and took out some kid on his/her bike.

No sympathies for the criminals, and kudos for the non-sheep H1 driver. Enough people fight back and kill enough of them gangstas they might find a better line of work. Maybe he shudda backed up and whomped 'em again.

As for the busted up Dodge and H2, those are crumple zones doing their jobs. That's what's supposed to happen.

GasSavers_Minger 12-14-2007 10:06 PM

yeah...crumple zones = less impulse for the rest of the car :)

Still...I'd hate to see my car under that if I got run over by a Hummer (just saying in general)

VetteOwner 12-14-2007 10:18 PM

well dont go around being low life scum robbin people and i dont think you will have to worry about too many people chasin after you :D

psyshack 12-16-2007 10:16 AM


Good Job Hummer!!!

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