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Project84 06-03-2008 04:32 AM

"ecogeeks" get the ladies?
Found it on Yahoo.com's homepage


Sucks for me... I'm cruising an old Saturn and still play with my gas guzzler Camaro from time to time. :mad:

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 06-03-2008 04:45 AM

Time to get busy with the coroplast and make the saturn a "visible minority" then :D

MiddleMike 06-03-2008 06:47 AM

My wife is solidly against this trend and hopes it dies on the vine. :)

Hateful 06-03-2008 07:05 AM

imagine if Daniel Boone or Ben Franklin had listened to thier wives. We'd be sitting in the dark under British rule, still wandering what was beyond the Appalachian mountains.

dkjones96 06-03-2008 07:12 AM

That's only because women know that if he isn't paying at the pump he'll pay at the store...

MiddleMike 06-03-2008 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Hateful (Post 103666)
imagine if Daniel Boone or Ben Franklin had listened to thier wives. We'd be sitting in the dark under British rule, still wandering what was beyond the Appalachian mountains.

Well sure. Wait...Ben Franklin had a wife? I thought he was America's first Confirmed Bachelor Player Lady's Man?

What I meant was that my wife wouldn't be too happy with increased competition from other women. Hence, she'd hope the trend of chicks finding eco-guys hot would go away.

Hateful 06-03-2008 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by MiddleMike (Post 103669)
Well sure. Wait...Ben Franklin had a wife? I thought he was America's first Confirmed Bachelor Player Lady's Man?

Yes, Franklin did have a wife and yes he was known as a ladies man. He went to France for years at the time leaving his wife at home. He attended the parties and social gatherings of the rich and powerful in France, gaining support from the French to fight the English. The reputation of being a ladies man came from a series of letters between himself and a younger upper class women in France, but no real evidence of actual physical relations.
The wife need not worry as she can still dress you funny.

MiddleMike 06-03-2008 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Hateful (Post 103672)
Yes, Franklin did have a wife and yes he was known as a ladies man. He went to France for years at the time leaving his wife at home. He attended the parties and social gatherings of the rich and powerful in France, gaining support from the French to fight the English. The reputation of being a ladies man came from a series of letters between himself and a younger upper class women in France, but no real evidence of actual physical relations.

Well there you go then. Thought I knew a lot about the FF's, but turns out I didn't know that little piece of trivia concerning being married. Thanks for the ed-u-ma-cation, sir. Just figured since he had such a reputation that he was a bachelor. Heh, now I like him even more than before! :thumbup:


The wife need not worry as she can still dress you funny.
If there is hope, it is in that Bozo the clown costume she has hanging in the closet behind a glass pane with a small hammer hanging in front of it. "Break here in case geeks get sexy" is the printing on the pane.

GasSavers_Ryland 06-03-2008 10:53 PM

I have hopes it's true and if the list of cute single girls who want a ride in my electric car holds any weight then it just might be true.

ZugyNA 06-04-2008 02:39 AM

It's a good idea to check for bark forming on their legs and if they are putting out roots and so forth? :D It's when they want to put down roots....that things get "sticky"? :rolleyes:

I've also heard on the street that it's best to look for light between their legs. I don't have any idea how to do this....or when this is supposed to be done or its purpose...I'd just be very careful if trying it. :cool:

Women tend to be a bit squeamish IMO. :D

ihatemybike 06-04-2008 04:56 AM

The survey was part of GM's Challenge X competition. I think it's maybe a little skewed. Most of the young ladies I know still go for sports/status cars and trucks.

Hateful 06-04-2008 05:08 AM

they should have been more precise as to what kind of car. I'm sure I could get someone to ride in a new Prius, but if I had one of those junkyard revival civics they'd pay me no mind at all.

Project84 06-04-2008 05:15 AM

perhaps that's why my g/f isn't threatened by me wanting to ship a D15Z1 here and buy a local guy's rolling CRX for the swap.... lol She has literally said, "you want THAT!? WHY?"

I just told her I could double my mileage and she actually would rather me do that, than get to working on my Z28 and have it out on the streets again.

Personally, I'm 22, and I think young girls, or women, don't really care what kinda car you drive as long as they aren't embarassed while riding in it. Essentially, matching paint, relatively low noise (no loud mufflers unless muscle car), and a calm driving style, and they wouldn't care if it was a Metro or a Mercedes. They might brag to their friends about your Mercedes, but they wouldn't insult you about your Metro.

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 06-04-2008 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Hateful (Post 103672)
The wife need not worry as she can still dress you funny.

Hmmm, mine will want me to wear stuff that she likes me in, then will complain if other women look.

Project84 06-04-2008 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by RoadWarrior (Post 103865)
Hmmm, mine will want me to wear stuff that she likes me in, then will complain if other women look.

That's terrible.... for that reason alone I value my independence, and I feel a bit sorry for you. Bickering, that's what I think all men hate the most! Self-imposed bickering, as in your case, is probably the WORST!! ARGHH!!!!

theholycow 06-04-2008 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Hateful (Post 103862)
they should have been more precise as to what kind of car. I'm sure I could get someone to ride in a new Prius, but if I had one of those junkyard revival civics they'd pay me no mind at all.

Well, when I read it it was pretty clear to me that they said new fuel-efficient cars, not a 1992 VX with welded-on wheel skirts, coroplast grill block, and an aluminum air dam...

GasSavers_JoeBob 06-04-2008 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 103875)
Well, when I read it it was pretty clear to me that they said new fuel-efficient cars, not a 1992 VX with welded-on wheel skirts, coroplast grill block, and an aluminum air dam...

That's because the guy who has the Prius or (preferably) the Tahoe hybrid is the guy who can kill the big dinosaurs. A '92 VX (especially a modified one), a '91 Metro, or for that matter any 20th century car (except maybe a 'Vette, Mustang, or some other similar car) = Killer of shrimpy dinosaurs, or none at all. It still comes down to the guy who kills the big dinosaurs can provide for the girl and all the babies. So to get the girls, get the new ecogeek car. (Of course, if you've already attracted a mate, you can get away with the VX...)

GasSavers_JoeBob 06-04-2008 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by RoadWarrior (Post 103865)
Hmmm, mine will want me to wear stuff that she likes me in, then will complain if other women look.

Complaining, but secretly she's probably gloating also. My wife only complains if I am looking back....:)

MiddleMike 06-05-2008 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Project84 (Post 103873)
That's terrible.... for that reason alone I value my independence, and I feel a bit sorry for you. Bickering, that's what I think all men hate the most! Self-imposed bickering, as in your case, is probably the WORST!! ARGHH!!!!

Actually it's not terrible at all, assuming that he gives her a wink and a nod and a "that's right baby, look at all those girls that want me" from time to time.

It sounds counterintuitive, but it works a treat.

friz 06-05-2008 05:47 PM

You think that someday women will lust over our pasty bloated geek physiques and 20 yr old econo cars? Could happen.

jcp123 06-05-2008 06:52 PM

I dunno...I was accused last night of dealing out the c*ckblock when all the ladies in our group opted to ride in the sexy topless Mustang rather than my friend's sensible Corolla or his sister's even more sensible Yaris...:D

Hey, at least I got my best tank yet.

dkjones96 06-05-2008 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by friz (Post 104192)
You think that someday women will lust over our pasty bloated geek physiques and 20 yr old econo cars? Could happen.

Nah, they'll just be willing to tolerate our looks and cars because we don't treat them like gutter trash like the other 50 guys they had unprotected sex with then never heard from again.

fumesucker 06-06-2008 03:58 AM

I remember there was a line in one of the "Nerds" movies, the first one I think.. The head cheerleader had just had mind bendingly great sex with the chief nerd and asked why nerds were such terrific lovers..

The nerd replies that nerds never think about anything but sex and jocks never think of anything but sports.. :cool:

It's all about learning to get the most out of what you have. ;)

theholycow 06-06-2008 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by dkjones96 (Post 104207)
Nah, they'll just be willing to tolerate our looks and cars because we don't treat them like gutter trash like the other 50 guys they had unprotected sex with then never heard from again.

Unfortunately, that requires logic, which is rarely used in mate selection. They just aren't excited by someone who treats them well. Don't get me started...

red91sit 06-07-2008 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 104267)
Unfortunately, that requires logic, which is rarely used in mate selection. They just aren't excited by someone who treats them well. Don't get me started...

I second that one.

Anywho, considering the average car knowledge of women, a vx with the bubbley smooth rear wheel covers painted a nice shiny color with a smooth front grill could probobly pass for a new hybrid to most women. :-) or even an insight lol

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 06-07-2008 12:11 PM

Maybe a bumper sticker would help....

"Hi! Breed?"

fumesucker 06-07-2008 01:01 PM

Actually I'm thinking of a different bumper sticker.. Even more appropriate in a time of extreme petroleum scarcity..

Not to mention it harks back to a time when the geeks were getting the girls.



Project84 06-07-2008 01:31 PM

i see red x's

theholycow 06-07-2008 02:21 PM

I did too. I think tinypic.com is broken. This time I see one, it's a warrior in roman armor with a shield and a mace, stradlling a harley with fire shooing out the pipes.

fumesucker 06-07-2008 02:33 PM

Not a Harley.. A CBX.. About as unHarley like as it's possible to get.


And the first pic should be a microbus.

theholycow 06-07-2008 02:46 PM

I stand corrected. I know little of motorcycles, and there's only a few categories to me:

- Harley (or harleyesque) - that type of look, with engine parts sticking out and that general shape, attempting to look badass
- BMW / commuter - Slightly more covered, mild looking, may have panniers or other cargo-carrying apparatus, quiet
- Crotch rocket - Much more covered up with plastic body parts, high-pitched, aerodynamic, many with uncomfortable seating position

I fail at motorcycle identification. :)

fumesucker 06-07-2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 104541)

I fail at motorcycle identification. :)

"A man's got to know his limitations" -Harry Callahan :D

Even among Harleys there are several distinct styles.. Dresser, fatbob, mild chopper, radical chopper..

Back before they made crotch rockets we used to build them ourselves and called them "cafe racers"..

Any moron can go and charge a crotch rocket on their credit card, to successfully mod a standard bike for increased handling ability and speed is an entirely different thing.

I started with two strokes and still have a fondness for them, for something only slightly more complicated than a stone ax a two stroke can be remarkably sophisticated.. If you understand two strokes, four strokes are easy.


theholycow 06-07-2008 03:54 PM

I'm generally very good at knowing my limitations, and I'm not afraid to admit them. It's a really useful skill.

If I thought I could ride safely, I'd probably get a cheap crotch rocket for FE. However, I am aware of those limits; I could learn to ride defensively and I would usually do very well, but I'd slip up occasionally, in just the sort of way that's free of consequences in a car but dangerous on a bike.

friz 06-07-2008 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 104557)
I'm generally very good at knowing my limitations, and I'm not afraid to admit them. It's a really useful skill.

If I thought I could ride safely, I'd probably get a cheap crotch rocket for FE. However, I am aware of those limits; I could learn to ride defensively and I would usually do very well, but I'd slip up occasionally, in just the sort of way that's free of consequences in a car but dangerous on a bike.

A good piece of advice given to me by my dad was "A smart man knows what he knows, a very smart man knows what he doesn't know"

GasSavers_JoeBob 06-08-2008 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by fumesucker (Post 104537)
Not a Harley.. A CBX.. About as unHarley like as it's possible to get.


And the first pic should be a microbus.

A mixture of different eras on that microbus...'70s with ***, Gas or Grass, then Bender?

FYI...the geeks had to work hard to get the girls then, too!

Went shopping for a new bike in '81...looked at CBXs (leftover '80s...not a big seller), wound up with a GoldWing. That wide engine on the CBX kinda scared me (saw one in a junkyard with a chunk out of it...had visions of falling over, not being hurt but the bike toast). But those six pipes coming out of the engine sure look cool!

fumesucker 06-08-2008 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by JoeBob (Post 104745)
A mixture of different eras on that microbus...'70s with ***, Gas or Grass, then Bender?

Let's do the time warp again!!!


FYI...the geeks had to work hard to get the girls then, too!
I did better when I quit trying to be someone I wasn't.. Once you have learned to fake sincerity, it's all much easier. :)


Went shopping for a new bike in '81...looked at CBXs (leftover '80s...not a big seller), wound up with a GoldWing. That wide engine on the CBX kinda scared me (saw one in a junkyard with a chunk out of it...had visions of falling over, not being hurt but the bike toast). But those six pipes coming out of the engine sure look cool!
Yeah, those GoldWing motors are so damn narrow, it's not like you could lay it down and damage the engine.. :rolleyes:

A guy that lived right by us in 1980 had a CBX with a six into one pipe on it, no muffler at all.. You could hear that sucker shriek for a couple of miles easily when he jumped on the interstate and twisted its tail hard.

I would like to have been at the Isle of Man when Mike Hailwood was piloting the 250cc Honda six..


Here is what it sounded like with six individual megaphones:


And then there was the guy on the other side of the road who had a 750 Kwacker triple with chambers. A cackling handful that thing was, we used to call it "the flexible flyer" because it felt like it had an extra hinge somewhere under the saddle.. I think it got about 20 mpg.. :eek:

GasSavers_JoeBob 06-08-2008 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by fumesucker (Post 104751)

Yeah, those GoldWing motors are so damn narrow, it's not like you could lay it down and damage the engine.. :rolleyes:

But...the GoldWing was heavier, and more expensive. Lots of incentive not to! Of course, I didn't let my roommate at the time ride it...he fell over so much that when he taught our other roommate to ride, the first thing he taught her was how to pick up the bike...to him, that was the most important thing to know (I don't think she ever had to put THAT skill to use!)

theholycow 06-09-2008 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by JoeBob (Post 104758)
But...the GoldWing was heavier, and more expensive. Lots of incentive not to!

...when I posted my admittedly ignorant categorizing of motorcycles, I forgot the Gold Wing category.

Besides being heavier and more expensive, they seem like they'd be so comfortable and relaxing that you'd not try any spirited maneuvers anyway...

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