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GasSavers_DoubleJ 06-24-2007 05:23 PM

I just lost 87lbs!!!
Took 10 minutes to clean out my car and get rid of the spare tire. Weighed it all and it totaled 87lbs!! Not much of a dent in a car with a curb weight of 3,300lbs but, every little bit helps I guess.

cfg83 06-24-2007 11:00 PM

DoubleJ -

Did everything you took out come with the car?

87 / 3348 curb weight = 0.025 => 2.5% weight loss


GasSavers_DoubleJ 06-25-2007 05:57 AM

No, only the spare donut tire and the jack came with the car. The rest was garbage, crap, and a few boxes of stuff from when we moved a short time ago that never got unpacked from the car. Basically, now I'm back down to curb weight

Matt Timion 06-25-2007 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by DoubleJ (Post 60609)
No, only the spare donut tire and the jack came with the car. The rest was garbage, crap, and a few boxes of stuff from when we moved a short time ago that never got unpacked from the car. Basically, now I'm back down to curb weight

Every little bit helps. I know that I often carry a lot of stuff in the car that I don't need to be hauling around constantly.

I personally don't like the idea of removing the jack/spare though, but that's only b/c I like to be prepared just in case.

GasSavers_DoubleJ 06-25-2007 08:16 AM

I only travel 8 miles away from the house in this vehicle

Matt Timion 06-25-2007 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by DoubleJ (Post 60625)
I only travel 8 miles away from the house in this vehicle

well, in that case it's not a bad idea.

VetteOwner 06-25-2007 01:28 PM

lol i got a flat about 5 miles away from my house comming home from school one day...i had it switched with the spare in a matter of 10 minutes (after i moved a buncha crap to get my jack out...) otherwise i would have had to call my mom or someone to either bring me the spare or pick me up and take me back...

just leave it in there. its better safe than sorry unless you know someoen who is always going to be available that knows how to get to your tire and jack(in your garage, apartment etc) so when a 5-10 minute job would now take half hour or longer depending on traffic, bugging other people, wasted gas by them or you having to get your doughnut etc...

lol its not really worth not having it so you save like a nickel per fill up....

atomicradish 06-25-2007 06:48 PM

Removing the spare tire and jack is stupid.

What if there is no one who can come and get you? That would be a lot of fun.

VetteOwner 06-25-2007 09:37 PM

lol or you forget your cell/ no service/dead battery...could be a long fun walk to a house or to flag down a driver....

Bill in Houston 06-26-2007 04:57 AM

Does everything have to degenerate into some kind of beat-down? Make sure and go hammer on the new guy with the LS400... Sigh.

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