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Project84 07-22-2008 05:21 PM

My Q's about selling modded hypermiler
Just a question I had running through my mind....

If you were to buy a newer car (or older....) but in any event, decide to sell your current hypermiler/miser/MPG project...................

WOULD YOU de-modify the car so as to not pass those savings on to the next person?

Would you put it back to stock as to make a quicker sale and not have to explain why you changed this or changed that?

Would you advertise it as a project car that is modified to achieve _____ (insert figure) better mileage than the run-of-the-mill ___________ (insert model)?

I'm interested in knowing how you people feel and what your explainations are for how you choose.

One day, I hope to buy an SL1 or SC1 5sp and won't be needing my SL2 auto anymore. Just wondering what I would do. I think I'd return it to stock because I'd just have to spend $15 at a junkyard and buy a new air cleaner box and resonator. I think that would eliminate a lot of people being scared away by the car, and for SURE eliminate having to answer questions about why I did this or how bad it was for the car.

theholycow 07-22-2008 05:26 PM

I would remove the mods. If I thought the person seemed open-minded or interested I'd offer to reinstall them and explain how they work.

lowestgasprices 07-22-2008 05:42 PM

If the mods effect smog equipment you will have to remove them in some states

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 07-22-2008 05:55 PM

Tough call. I'd maybe sell it with the mods and give a strict 2 week limited option to remove them if they didn't like them. On the other hand, I might remove "high maintenance" mods like HHO or something anyway. It would depend also if I wanted any of the mods for another vehicle.

I'd like it if someone was enthusiastic about the mods, but hate it if they tried to stick me with a "you need to fix X because of Y you did" I think it would have to be "AS IS" all the way with that.

trautotuning 07-22-2008 05:56 PM

I have actually thought of this and sell them like that (since I buy and sell cars). You could sell it as a high mpg model and simply state; improved aerodynamics (grill block, etc), improved engine effieciency (WAI, etc), LRR tires...

GasSavers_topher 07-22-2008 10:18 PM

Tough call indeed OP I have noticed that despite costs people are still buying sub-par 33mpg vehicles and barley changing there habits. So, I'd say take them off unless the buyer is open minded. Because, they may see the mods as something that will hurt the car.

lowbridescape 07-23-2008 04:06 AM

My cars go to the junkyard. There's nothing left of them. When I'm done with them, nobody wants them.

GasSavers_BEEF 07-23-2008 07:45 AM

the only way that I would leave the WAI and the scangauge is if I knew the guy buying the car. some of the stuff I have done makes my car run differently and if someone were interested in my car and wanted to take it to a mechanic, he would probably laugh at it or say that it is dangerous to do it that way.

I have actually had quite a bit of interets in my car since I started the hypermiler thing. when people find out that I am getting 35+ to the gallon and the car is in pretty good shape. everyone says "if you ever want to get rid of it, give me a call"

I wouldn't put it in the paper for some soccer mom to get a hold of because I would be worried that if anything ever happened with the car she would try to somehow blame it on me and the modifications that I did with the car. and yes I know that is a very pesemistic attitude to have but it does happen.

also, my grill block is pretty much permanent now so I can't really take that off unless I want to clean up a horroble mess.

theholycow 07-23-2008 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by BEEF (Post 112257)
and yes I know that is a very pesemistic attitude to have but it does happen.

That's not pessimistic, that's just realistic self-protection.

Loserkidwac 07-23-2008 09:25 AM

Well I'd look at this as I would buying a car with performance upgrades...they really won't add value to the car...UNLESS the buyer is looking for what you have changed...keeping this in mind you have narrowed down you market and it will either take longer to sell...not saying it won't...when I go look at cars I want something that hasn't been tinkered with, a good clean stock car...but keep in mind I am looking for that cause I don't know how knowledgeable the previous owner was and if what they did hurt the car or not...but with rising gas prices and people freaking out listing a car with MPG mods might peak more interest...quite a dilemma hmmm...

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