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Matt Timion 03-06-2006 09:47 AM

Proposed experiment: MPG-CAPS

While I'm very skeptical of a pill increasing my fuel economy, I'm willing to participate in an experiment which will prove or disprove the effectiveness of this.

More info here:


To watch the movie which tries to recruit you as a seller, see here:



The MPG-CAPS isolates the sulfur molecules and other impurities found in fossil fuels, preventing the formation of sludge, varnish and acids that are harmful to fuel systems and engines. The MPG-CAPS have had Tests Conducted and Registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Facilities and have already been in use for more than thirty years by several municipalities, other government agencies and many commercial firms.
taken from https://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art40435.asp


The experiment will last for four tanks.

Five participants will each use MPG-CAPS for two tanks, and not use them for two tanks.

The experiment will be conducted in A-B-A manner, or in our case A-B-A-B. In other words, we will have one tank without the cap, one tank with, one tank without, and one tank with. This will demonstrate for certain if the caps do in fact affect fuel economy.

After we have 5 participants the experiment will begin. If a representative of MPG-CAPS will be willing to donate the needed pills it would be wonderful. If not alternative means of acquiring these pills may need to be determined.

Current participants
Matt Timion

krousdb 03-06-2006 10:13 AM

Re: Proposed experiment: MPG-CAPS

Originally Posted by Matt Timion

The experiment will last for four tanks.

Five participants will each use MPG-CAPS for two tanks, and not use them for two tanks.

The experiment will be conducted in A-B-A manner, or in our case A-B-A-B. In other words, we will have one tank without the cap, one tank with, one tank without, and one tank with. This will demonstrate for certain if the caps do in fact affect fuel economy.

It was my understanding that it takes four tanks to notice a difference and that if you skip a tank, you would have to start over. If this is true, then we would need to do AAAA-BBBB testing. At one tank every two weeks, this is a 16 week test for me. IMO this is too long because of the change in season, temps and rain. Any results would be speculative at best due to changing factors. Perhaps that is why the 4 tank requirement is in the advertisement, so that the claim cannot easily be disproved. :-)

Ready when you are Matt!

Matt Timion 03-06-2006 10:19 AM

Re: Proposed experiment: MPG-CAPS

Originally Posted by krousdb
It was my understanding that it takes four tanks to notice a difference and that if you skip a tank, you would have to start over. If this is true, then we would need to do AAAA-BBBB testing. At one tank every two weeks, this is a 16 week test for me. IMO this is too long because of the change in season, temps and rain. Any results would be speculative at best due to changing factors. Perhaps that is why the 4 tank requirement is in the advertisement, so that the claim cannot easily be disproved. :-)

Ready when you are Matt!

If it really takes four tanks, then that is just silly. Take a look at anyone's gaslog (except your's, Mr. Consistent) and you'll see that MPG figures vary in extreme ways over 4 tanks of gas.

I've only filled up 8 tanks of gas since October, so this experiment would take me 6 months. We'll press forward assuming that each pill will work at the point of insertion.

philmcneal 03-06-2006 10:19 AM

lol damn i can't believe u
lol damn i can't believe u guys bought into the idea. I hope your science will be a benifit for us all!

Matt Timion 03-06-2006 10:21 AM

Re: lol damn i can't believe u

Originally Posted by philmcneal
lol damn i can't believe u guys bought into the idea. I hope your science will be a benifit for us all!

I personally think it's a waste of time, but I'm also willing to take the time and prove either way if it works or not. If it works, it would be a great place for members of this particular MLM to point potential customers. If it doesn't work, potential buyers would be more than happy to find our results via Google.

diamondlarry 03-06-2006 11:22 AM

Re: Proposed experiment: MPG-CAPS

Originally Posted by Matt Timion

Originally Posted by krousdb
It was my understanding that it takes four tanks to notice a difference and that if you skip a tank, you would have to start over. If this is true, then we would need to do AAAA-BBBB testing. At one tank every two weeks, this is a 16 week test for me. IMO this is too long because of the change in season, temps and rain. Any results would be speculative at best due to changing factors. Perhaps that is why the 4 tank requirement is in the advertisement, so that the claim cannot easily be disproved. :-)

Ready when you are Matt!

If it really takes four tanks, then that is just silly. Take a look at anyone's gaslog (except your's, Mr. Consistent) and you'll see that MPG figures vary in extreme ways over 4 tanks of gas.

I've only filled up 8 tanks of gas since October, so this experiment would take me 6 months. We'll press forward assuming that each pill will work at the point of insertion.

If the pills can be free I may be able to sfford to try this experiment. My last 5 tanks have been pretty consistant; only 1.1 mpg difference from highest to lowest. Even the 1.1 is only because of one tank that dropped to 38.8 or so and the other 4 were in the upper 39's. At one tank a week, this should take me about a month.

Matt Timion 03-06-2006 11:35 AM

I added your name to the
I added your name to the list diamondlarry.

This may actually be a cheap experiment. if one pill can treat 20 gallons, and most of us have 10 gallon tanks, it means that we'll only need about one pill per person.

diamondlarry 03-06-2006 11:37 AM

Quote:and most of us have 10

and most of us have 10 gallon tanks,
My Saturn has to be weird and has a 12.8 gallon tank. :-(

Matt Timion 03-06-2006 11:42 AM

Re: Quote:and most of us have 10

Originally Posted by diamondlarry

and most of us have 10 gallon tanks,
My Saturn has to be weird and has a 12.8 gallon tank. :-(

I'm guessing that we can go a little over-kill and put one capsule in each fill up. I'm sure that's how they're designed to be used anyway.

It may actually require a "cleaning" tank between pill and no-pill as well, just to make sure that the extra gallon or so of fuel with the diluted pill in there is out.

Sludgy 03-06-2006 11:52 AM

40 gallons
If you think 12.8 is wierd, how about my 40 gallon diesel tank. I just dropped $70 to fillup today. My wallet is screaming.

diamondlarry 03-06-2006 12:25 PM

Quote:My wallet is

My wallet is screaming.
Probably looks a little like my avatar? :D

SVOboy 03-06-2006 04:28 PM

Put me down, m8. I've been
Put me down, m8. I've been pretty consistent as of late with my gas mileage.

Compaq888 03-06-2006 05:06 PM

LOL, my mpg is all over the
LOL, my mpg is all over the place.

n0rt0npr0 03-06-2006 08:51 PM

It would be nice if the Company would provide a video of the pill dissolving for us. I replaced my gas tank, sending unit, and fuel pump screen back in 0ctober 2005.
My MPG spread has been low lately too.
BUT my area warms up THIS coming weekend and I got some smooth wheelcovers that I will install on Sunday too

WorkhorseDiesel 04-01-2006 01:28 AM

Siphon screens!!!
** Caution ** It's been reported by a rep of the company posting on another forum that unless you're 100% SURE that your tank doesn't have an anti-siphon screen at the bottom of the filler tube, then DON'T drop any pills in there. Apparently, a number of people have reported putting the pills in their tank and after adding pills a couple of times, they get gas shot back at them because the pills have accumulated on the anti-syphon screen and are now blocking the tank inlet. I don't think people are thinking about this potential problem until they can't get any more gas in their tank without a mess. Hope this helps keep anyone from getting drenched.

rh77 04-02-2006 12:19 PM

Re: 40 gallons

Originally Posted by Sludgy
If you think 12.8 is wierd, how about my 40 gallon diesel tank. I just dropped $70 to fillup today. My wallet is screaming.

But how often do you have to fill up? I have to plunk down $50/week between two cars. Does your tank last a while? Diesels tend to get more "bang for the buck", but I assume you have the Power Stoke which can suck it down pretty hard. I wonder if it's possible to hook-up a turbo/air-fuel controller to shut down the turbo when you don't need it, and if you'll off-road, or towing, you could engage it. I used to drive the pre-turbo Fords (E-350 Van Ambulances), and we usually got about 20 mpg (including the high-speed responses and triple-digit highway speeds -- yeah we were rebels, but we were basically IT for a huge area, so seconds counted). I'd look into taming that turbo...


SVOboy 04-02-2006 12:23 PM

For the turbo you can just
For the turbo you can just take out the spring on the wastegate which'll prevent it from running in boost at all.

GasSavers_Ryland 04-07-2006 06:00 PM

I've read about comparing
I've read about comparing turbo, and non turbo diesel VW rabbits, and how they both got about the same mileage, partly because they are not relying on spark ignition, that more air ment more compression, and that ment more heat to burn more of the fuel, that deisels are alwas running wide open, that it's only the amount of fuel going on that changes, and that average diesels runing under normal load are running a 50:1 air:fuel and can go as lean as 200:1, comparard to the 15:1 with gasoline.

boofy99 07-14-2006 06:30 PM

MPG CAP testing
Hi guys, wondering how you are going with your trials of these caps..

I have some myself and are running my own experiments, id like to compare if we could.


Mighty Mira 07-14-2006 07:35 PM

I've got some magic beans for sale if you want some...

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