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GasSavers_rGS 07-18-2007 01:06 PM

MSNBC article: Hummer owner gets angry message
As soon as I read the title, I had to post about it on GS. :)

Let's just say, there are some out there, um, literally "fighting" fuel inefficiency. :p

  1. MSNBC: Hummer owner gets angry message - https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19818804/?gt1=10150

The Shark 07-18-2007 01:43 PM

LOL he lives with his mom!!

GeekGuyAndy 07-18-2007 01:47 PM

Survival of the fittest! If his car consumes 3x what the others in the area get, of course it will die sooner!

Hockey4mnhs 07-18-2007 01:54 PM

thats so funny!

zpiloto 07-18-2007 02:38 PM

Wow this whole thread is so sad.:( I can't believe that you'll get enjoyment from someone trashing a 40k car. The ends don't justify the means.

We lived in the house with my wife folks when we were about that age because they couldn't take of themselves.

So sad.

Erdrick 07-18-2007 03:55 PM

I don't know what I feel about this article. On one hand, I think that he is the victim of a ridiculous attack because of a personal choice that he made. On the other hand, I feel that he got what he had coming. He obviously bought the car, at least in part, to spite his environmentally-conscious neighbors. People who try to cause grief to the people around them deserve to have things like this happen to them.

So, which way do I lean? Definitely on the against side. As in, I am against Hummers, and the selfish people who drive them.

What to take away from this? Don't live somewhere where the people around you hold very different views from yourself. If you smoke pot, don't live right next to a school. If you like to shoot guns, don't live in a subdivision with lots of kids. Live amongst people who have the same interests and beliefs as you do. Otherwise things like this are bound to happen.

Take for instance my aunt. She drives a VW, and loves it. She lives in North Carolina, but is originally from Michigan. Well, on a visit up here, she went to Ortonville. All white people, and lots of Klu Klux Clan relations. Die-hard everything-American loving hillbillys. My uncle said, "don't drive that car around here or something is going to happen to it." Sure enough, the next morning her car had been hammed, egged, and whatever else peopel are throwing at cars these days. She got lucky.

Silveredwings 07-18-2007 04:18 PM

Violent crimes done to make a statement usually state the opposite of what the perp intended.

BumblingB 07-18-2007 06:38 PM

32 and lives with his mom? At first thought, that's sad - what a loser. Then you think maybe his mother has a condition and he's doing something good and trying to take care of her.

Now as far as his choice. While I don't agree with it, you have to remember what country he lives in....I think Devo said it best, "Freedom of Choice". If that's what he wants - so be it. I think he should be allowed to fix it up and make it nice. That being said, BMW owners make me cringe as it seems as though I just have a personal prejudice towards them. Mostly because they drive like nuggetheads (most, but not all).

With that lift kit and those tires I think its a safe guess he wasn't breaking 10mpg. :( Still, IMO if he doesn't drive like a TypeA personality would and doesn't hurt anyone let him be. I know he's not helping the enviroment but no reason to screw something up someone worked hard for.

kickflipjr 07-18-2007 07:29 PM

I don't like to hear about anyone vandalizing cars. There are other less violent ways to make a point about the enivorment.

landspeed 07-18-2007 07:35 PM

I think that the people who did that to his car have got it coming. I disagree with this kind of eco-terrorism. What is the outcome?

(1) He throws away tyres, gets new ones (CO2 increased)
(2) He gets panels replaced (CO2 for production), or repainted (solvents etc)
(3) He gets other repairs done (CO2 / energy wasted again!).

And then he drives it around anyway! So all that has happened is a lot of CO2 has been wasted on the repairs.

This is the absolute wrong-way to 'help' the environment and actually damages it. Also I bet the people in his neighbourhood (or at least most of them) with Priuses, cane them on the highway, and get worse MPG than myself anyway.

Erdrick 07-18-2007 10:36 PM

Some great thoughts on this article are coming through. That is why I like this site so much. Many varied opinions on things, and most people are well-natured good people.

I still can't make up my own mind though...

SVOboy 07-18-2007 10:42 PM

Silly vandalism! People let their anger turn into the worst things.

cfg83 07-18-2007 11:43 PM

88HF -


Originally Posted by 88HF (Post 64317)
How does a radio DJ afford a hummer? Most likely he will get some shop to sponsor putting his hummer back on the road for free because of the high profile nature of his story.

He's not a DJ, he sells commercials :


Groves, who grew up in the District and works in marketing for a local radio station, said he wanted the car in part because he is starting a company, Washington Sports Marketing, that is "image-based."
I'm gonna keep watching this one. My suspicious nature wonders if this is a marketing ploy.


cfg83 07-19-2007 12:28 AM

88HF -

(I posted my suspicion post before reading this post)


Originally Posted by 88HF (Post 64322)
cfg83 what do you think?

I keep flip-flopping. I have written alot of posts and then deleted them.

I have the visceral "he deserved it" feeling, but I don't think this serves "the greater good". For example, I have less of a problem with what the Pseudo Earth Firsters did to the Hummer sales lot in LA because it's an attack on the "pusher" so to speak (Here is some background information : https://www.earthfirstjournal.org/article.php?id=21).

Simply by purchasing a Hummer, the fellow is on my "don't need to know" list, but I wouldn't vandalize his car. He would know where I stand by my GasSavers decal, so we wouldn't have much to talk about. If he was a polite driver, I would even let him merge (and maybe draft his monstrosity ;) ).

Then again, if they had committed creative vandalism, say covering the Hummer in information showing how much damage the vehicle was causing to the environment, or pointing out how much the owner is compensating for low self esteem or other small protuberances, then I would probably be applauding their actions :


I wouldn't be surprised a bit if he had one of those latex scrotums dangling from the back bumper
theclencher, if you look at the car anatomically, those danglers are probably in correct proportion to the owner of the car.

Erdrick's post says something ugly about the whole thing. If we really have the true story, then the "liberal" white community isn't behaving much better than the mindset that lends itself to the Ku-Klux Clan. If they are truly an "enlightened" community, then they wouldn't have committed the vandalism. It's not racism, but it is hate. We all feel it, but do we act on it?

For me, at the end of the day, "you are what you do". When I put myself in the shoes of the liberal neighbors, the Hummer guy would disgust me, but I can't say he is doing something *directly* to me. It's that whole "don't become your enemy" argument. It's a cliche, but it holds true. I mean, using baseball bats on the Hummer is something I would expect from a ... Hummer owner.

PS - I don't have a problem with living with one's parents. I lived with my parents until I was 35 and was never itching to leave. Giving them my money instead of a blood-sucking LA landlord always made me feel good. Multi-generational households are normal in many non-Western countries, and save a lot on resources. Sheesh, I used to live 5 minutes from work back then!!!!


psyshack 07-19-2007 03:17 AM

That was just plain wrong to ruin that mans ride. I hope the ones that did it get caught.

88HF 07-19-2007 04:37 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Sweet, I'm going to get a hummer and hypermile it for tv. I bet I get on the national news. I'll be offsetting everyone here. I'll have to upgrade my garage for clearance.


lunarhighway 07-19-2007 05:13 AM

i agree they shouldn't have done that, they could have made a more subtle statement. because this sort of actions makes emviromentaly mided people seem like a bunsh of intollerant car wreckers. that said i remember a few years ago when the suv craze slowly started to catch on over here, there was an action group that would deflate the tires of all suv and offroad vehicles they came across at night. interestingly the police could not press charges for vandalism because they had not done any phisical damage to the vehicles...just moved some air.

repete86 07-19-2007 07:06 AM

What's so voilent about destroying a thing? It's an object, not an organism. He got what he deserved.

I think that it's funny though that this one gets media attention while the ELF attack a few months ago in which a bunch of ELFers went after every SUV in a neighborhood slashing tires and spraypainting pro-environment slogans on the gas guzzlers got no notice. That attack did more damage.

psyshack 07-19-2007 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by repete86 (Post 64362)
What's so voilent about destroying a thing? It's an object, not an organism. He got what he deserved.

I think that it's funny though that this one gets media attention while the ELF attack a few months ago in which a bunch of ELFers went after every SUV in a neighborhood slashing tires and spraypainting pro-environment slogans on the gas guzzlers got no notice. That attack did more damage.

I hope he finds out who did that and hurts there organism real bad.

I honestly dont see how you can justify destroying somebody else's property. You do realize that supporting such actions could very well get you hurt very bad.

Bill in Houston 07-19-2007 10:42 AM

Never try to teach a pig to sing. I'm sure CO_ZX2 can finish the quote...

Telco 07-19-2007 12:00 PM

Damaging vehicles for a cause would be like going to the doctor and having your head cut off to cure a headache. It makes the problem worse. Same as the ELF attack. When they spray painted the vehicles in both cases, they caused toxic materials to go into the atmosphere. And as was stated before, damaging the vehicle means resources wasted to make repairs. On the ELF SUV massacre, the only ones that lost there were everybody. The dealer is insured for damages, and the SUVs were replaced with more SUVs. The dealer got a free makeover to repair the damages caused. People buying SUVs simply had to go to other dealers. The manufacturer made 12 more SUVs than they planned that year, which made it appear SUVs were better sellers than they would have been, which made it more likely for them to want to make them the following year. Toxic materials were emitted into the atmosphere. Gasoline and oils in the vehicles were made with all the environmental damages associated with them, then wasted. ELF did themselves and the environment more damage by destroying those vehicles than they caused the dealership and the manufacturer.

A better way to deal with a Hummer driver in the land of Prius's would be to speak to him directly, not take it out on the vehicle. If vandalism is a must, then deflating the tires would be a harmless way of expressing your feelings. Shoe polish his windows with derogatory messages, once. Once it dries on it can be cleaned off, but every time you get dew or fog on the glass the message will faintly return for the next few months. Stick potatoes in the exhaust. But don't be surprised if you aren't confronted with a shotgun on one of these overnight visits.

cfg83 07-19-2007 01:10 PM

theclencher -


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 64409)
His 27 year old buddy came from -how far away?- to "help" him through this... two masked guys did it... hmmmm... publicity stunt?

His 27 year old buddy doesn't exist anymore. The article has been trimmed down. The "victim" no longer works as a marketing dude at a radio station.

Wait, I just found this longer rewrite :

Vandals Smash, Scratch 'Eco' Message Into Hummer - Updated: 7:07 p.m. PT July 18, 2007

WASHINGTON - Gareth Groves said that when he brought home his recently purchased Hummer sport utility vehicle, he knew his eco-friendly neighbors disapproved. But he didn't expect it to be vandalized.

Groves said he had the vehicle only five days before the vandalism On Monday, two masked men were seen taking a bat to every window, knifing each tire and scratching a message into the body -- "For The Environment." The message was clear, News4's Shannon Bream reported, even though "environment" was misspelled.

Groves, who lives in upscale the upscale AU Park neighborhood in Northwest with his mother, said he saved for months to purchase the vehicle.

Neighbor Margaret Olivier was startled awake at about 3 a.m. Monday by the sound of shattering glass.

"Went to my window and looked out and saw two tall, skinny guys just wailing on the car with bats -- running around with no plan -- just breaking all the windows, slashing the tires, hitting the doors," she said.

Groves said some people who have driven by and seen the Hummer since the attack glare at him in satisfaction.

Groves grew up in the neighborhood and said he couldn't imagine anyone there personally plotting the attack, but he doesn't feel a great deal of sympathy from others now that it happened.

"I honestly feel maybe people feel, like, because I bought the car, I deserve this to happen to me," he said.

Police said they haven't seen vandalism so severe with a clear political message in recent years.

Police told News4 there's no trend, but Bream reported that at least one other Hummer vandalism is being investigated. That incident happened Tuesday in Georgetown. The owner told News4 it was scratched down one side and acid was splashed on the other side. He also said he has received Hummer hate mail at his home and other mail was left on his car for months.

So far, police are not publicly connecting the cases.

Groves said insurance will cover about $12,000 in damage to his car.

Some neighbors admit they don't like gas-guzzling Hummers, but said they aren't condoning the vandalism.

"People were commenting that it was a bit ostentatious," Olivier said. "It doesn't quite fit in with the minivans and Suburbans and things like that."

One neighbor, however, hopes the Hummer never returns.

"I think you should suggest to them to get a more discrete vehicle -- discrete and economical," Athena Adams said.

Investigators said they don't have many leads in the case.



jcp123 07-19-2007 02:14 PM

Last I checked, we were in the land of the free. I think it's absolutely abhorrent for someone to come along and cause so much damage to someone's PERSONAL property which they had to work so hard to acquire. I don't go around destroying Prius hippie-mobiles even though I'm no fan of them in the least, and I don't think there should be any right for anybody to do the same to anybody's Hummer either. You drive what you want; that's no skin off my teeth.

Seriously. Just let people live their lives. If you don't agree with what they do, then practice what you preach in your own life and don't associate with those with whom you disagree if it causes you so much grief.


rh77 07-19-2007 03:10 PM

What the Crap!
What the Crap, people!

I'm honestly disappointed that someone would approve of this activity :(

Publicity stunt or not, what was demonstrated in this thread makes me ill.

End of story.


jcp123 07-19-2007 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by rh77 (Post 64444)
What the Crap, people!

I'm honestly disappointed that someone would approve of this activity :(

Publicity stunt or not, what was demonstrated in this thread makes me ill.

End of story.


Agreed 100%.

Bill in Houston 07-19-2007 04:35 PM


skewbe 07-19-2007 05:02 PM

Do you think Mr Hummer should compensate the innuit for helping to destroy their habitat? Should he pay for n'orleans or any other financial loss due to environmental change?

This is really a time in our history where we are trading lives for oil, and people dont even THINK of rationing?!?

Do we still think the state of the environment is "as debateable as the number of angles that can dance on the fuzz of a tennis ball"?

If so, dissapointment doesn't come anywhere near to the magnituded of what I'm feeling. We've got so damn far to go and people want to play nurse maid to humvee owners?!?

VetteOwner 07-19-2007 08:45 PM

lol hummers suck period

but anyways, to do such a personal act on anyone by dystroying thier car is dumb. if they had such a problem with it why didnt they tell it to his face or if that doesnt work hold a boycott. but those neighbors did it and the guy knows it lol. id be the same guy on that block pissin off the neighbors with all the "fun" things i do. but where i currently live i dont. i respect my neighbors because they respect us. i do all my loud annoying things after 9 am and usually done by 10 even tho the ordinace is 7am but who likes getting woken up to the sound of a saw or hammering or cussin (very rarely but when i smash my thumb ur gonna know about it)? so i wait...

lol if i was that guy, id do some very loud annoying things at liek 7:01 am and wont stop will 9:59pm...

88HF 07-20-2007 04:05 AM

Try not to get sick over words. Drink more vitamin water, or Gatorade. Don't need you passing out over a difference of opinion.

OdieTurbo 07-20-2007 06:27 AM

Dude! Destroying someone's personal property just plain sucks! It's a free world man! Mob mentality will get us nowhere every time.

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