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-   -   Total Spent for 2010 is still not showing. (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f2/total-spent-for-2010-is-still-not-showing-359.html)

fpage77 01-16-2010 09:55 AM

Total Spent for 2010 is still not showing.
It's well into 2010 and I've got a few fuel ups under my belt but I'm still showing "Total Spent 2009" and not my new costs for 2010. What's going on?

pb 01-16-2010 10:02 AM

Yep, we'll get that changed over soon. We wanted to give folks a chance to see their 2009 total for a while. Here's a recent thread about it.

DTMAce 01-16-2010 10:00 PM

I think it would be easy enough to just add a total for each year, etc. You guys still working on doing some combination and totaling for a members entire garage like I posted about awhile back? :D

pb 01-17-2010 12:38 PM

heh, we work on the site when we can. But 99% of our development time goes into our sister site Metafilter.com. That sites pays the bills and makes Fuelly possible. We're only a couple of people and Fuelly is a side project so we do what we can here.

The problem with adding info is that vehicle profile pages are pretty tight. So we can't just add totals for all the years, where would they go? A new row of boxes for year totals? What about folks who have just two years? Or three? Or eight? Would empty boxes look good? Maybe, maybe not. So any addition to the site requires some time to think through questions like this and find the best way to add that information to the site and have it work with the existing design. It's not impossible, just something that requires time.

DTMAce 01-18-2010 01:29 AM

That's simple really. Just make a "Total Garage Stat's" page. It can be linked in the profile and over on the left menu under "Your Garage", or even under "Your Info".

Within, you can have total costs both as a grand total and a yearly, total mileage driven, average MPG/ 100l/K, etc. Both as a grand total and/or yearly totals, if people used tags, you can list them by most popular, etc. I use the tags to identify the gas station I buy the gas from for example. :p

Time I understand, having managed a few sites already. It can be absolutely crazy to keep up! And certainly you have to have a bread winner to keep sites such as these going! lol

But, if you guys ever need assistance, by all means ask. :D

pb 01-18-2010 12:42 PM

I think it'd be cool for someone to take our Fuelly export format as an import and generate some reports like the ones you describe. We have our own reporting plans in the works, but in the meantime if anyone out there wants to code something up I think a few Fuelly folks would give it a shot. Not everything has to happen on our site, and I think there's plenty of room for folks outside of Fuelly to take what we have as a starting point and run with it.

MEP 01-19-2010 09:43 PM

When does the 2009 change to 2010 as I've one vehicle showing total cost for 2010 and the rest showing it for 2009.


pb 01-19-2010 10:51 PM

As soon as you have at least one fuel-up in 2010 it'll switch over.

MEP 01-20-2010 02:51 AM

Doesn't seem to have worked here https://www.fuelly.com/driver/mep/stilo

Perhaps when I've added a few more fuel up's it'll correct itself?

pb 01-20-2010 04:15 AM

Yep, I misspoke. It was set to display at two or more fuel-ups in 2010. I just changed it to one, so you should be set.

MEP 01-20-2010 08:16 AM

Many thanks :-)

DTMAce 01-21-2010 02:52 AM

And now it only shows the total for 2010 with just one of the two fillups that my older van has had, as I filled it today. So there might be a problem there.

I have been also working on an excel sheet to help others with their exports. Once I finish it and have it available, I will put up a link for it.

pb 01-21-2010 03:19 AM

DTMAce, your fuel-up on 1/21/10 doesn't have any price info associated with it. You might make sure that you have the price/gallon set for every fuel-up in 2010.

DTMAce 01-21-2010 03:48 AM

Well.... That was odd. I know it WAS there! Oh well, seems to be fine now. Weird. lol


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