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GasSavers_DaX 06-18-2007 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 58943)
Tinkered a little more with the front racks on Saturday. Still nothing photo-worthy though. This week. Maybe I'll slack off tomorrow afternoon and do some more work on it.

I've been eBaying for a proper welding mask too, since there's going to be a need for that at this stage of the game.

Are you looking for an autodark? If you're going to do any more welding after this project, I'd recommend getting a good one. I bought a cheapie first time around and after it went "light" on me during welding for about the 10th time, I sucked it up and bought a Miller Elite - haven't been flashed since - even on very low current settings.

I still have my cheapie eBay autodark in my shop - I pull it out when someone else wants to observe me welding.

Silveredwings 06-18-2007 04:00 AM

Anybody know if the harbor-freight ones are any good?

MetroMPG 06-18-2007 05:57 AM

Yep, I was looking for an autodark kind. I was planning on snatching up one like this: https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...MEWA:IT&ih=020

GasSavers_DaX 06-18-2007 06:09 AM

For what you're doing, I guess that will work. That's like my eBay helmet. The problem with these helmets is that the light sensor is small and there is only one - what happens is that while you're welding, if your hand or something is blocking the light from getting to this sensor, it will flash clear. This also happens on low amp settings (which you probably won't use unless you're tigging something thin). My Miller helmet has four sensors and a larger viewing window. It is also capable of staying dark for inverter machine arcs, and will stay dark down to 5 amps of current. Another difference in the helmets is the material - my eBay one is very thick, stiff plastic and gets uncomfortable rather quickly. My Miller helmet is made of a thinner, softer plastic which is more flexible and comfortable.

In the light of this being a budget project and the small amount of welding you're doing, I think you will be fine with the eBay unit. If you think you'll be welding a lot more in the future, get a good helmet.

MetroMPG 06-18-2007 06:41 AM

Thanks - that's good info. Amount of welding will probably be minimal, and higher current as you guessed. So I'll see if I can snag one of these and I'll report back about how it turns out.

MetroMPG 06-18-2007 06:20 PM

It was welding day in ForkenSwiftland! Fun, fun.

lemmiwinks 06-18-2007 09:21 PM

Welding helmets
Forgive my ignorace, but what's wrong with ye olde fashioned welding helmet?


I got one for $10AU and it's great. I even used the crummy plastic lens for a while but it was a bit light so I replaced it with a glass lens and spatterguard (about another $10AU) which was even better.

Then again, I may be a retro grouch/tightarse since I also use an arc (stick if you prefer) welder :D

Nice to see your build is coming along well anyway.

On closer inspection that first photo was of a crappy helmet without a flip up lens.

GasSavers_RickyD 06-19-2007 12:38 AM

Hello all I am a newb and started reading this thread... Wowo its long.. anyway what are the current specs on this car how fast will it go and how far?

Has there been any talk on adding solar panels or a diesel generator for extended range? Or maybe even a small gas motor for high way speeds?

MetroMPG 06-20-2007 07:08 PM

Discovered another Suzukiclone conversion today, just down the highway in Toronto:



Looks like they did a 4wd conversion while they were at it!

Bill in Houston 06-20-2007 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 59782)
With the hood closed, there's about 1.5 in between the tip of the forward battery posts & the hood.

I think I'd make sure to have electrical insulating materials on the underside of the hood just in case something shifted and altered that clearance.

As always, great work.

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