Zero out of 100. The closest was a bar at 2.61 miles, so it isn't all bad news...
<edit> interesting post script:
I entered my current (past 18 months) work place, 86/100.
I then entered my prior (15 years ago) home, less than a mile from where I now work and the score dropped to 43.
What? I used to walk the 3/4 mile to these same establishments regularly when I lived in town and yet that's all the distance needed to drop the relative score that much?<end edit>
Yeah, when it searches it isn't completely accurate. Another flaw is that it scores strictly by distance. Obviously walking a mile on slow moving city streets is going to be more "walker friendly" then having to walk in the grass next to a multi lane highway.
Plus a grocery store is far more important than a shoe store... Despite my low score, I don't need to drive for any necessities.
I like the whole concept though
Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students.
My home scored a 3. The only really nearby businesses are the Circle-K convenience store, a veterinarian's office, one gas station, and some antique shops. On the plus side, I could walk to the fire station, post office, and police station.