I have friends on Twitter in Canada, Europe, Australia, the UK and New Zealand in addition to the US. It would be really awesome if there was an option to include L/100km in parenthesis as part of the automated Twitter updates. Eg: "I fueled-up my Moto Guzzi Norge, 40.0 MPG (5.88 L/100km). fuel.ly/119006"
Thanks for the suggestion. Yeah, I think in a perfect world we'd have a way to customize the messages, maybe with a simple template system. One of the hurdles to that is the size limitation on the Twitter side. Since it can only be 140 characters, we'd have to build in a way to give feedback about when a message is going to fail because it's too long. We made the message short enough that it will handle any car model name. But once we start adding to that (or using the vehicle names that people entered) we'll start bumping up against the 140 character limit.
What's nice about the current system is that you don't have to think about it at all. It just magically sends the update to Twitter or Facebook in the background. If we move to custom templates we'll need a way to stop people during a fuel-up and alert them that their tweet is going to be too long. So we haven't wanted to complicate the process that way.