Chevy Colorado 5 cyl - improve mpg
Greetings group
I just found this group today and would like to ask for your input. I have a 2007 Chevy Colorado with the following specs. L5 3.5L - 5 cylinder inline 5, Automatic Transmission, Crew cab, 2WD, Leer cab height camper shell. I put way too many miles a year on this thing (35k+) a year to drive, but it's job related and can include a lot of gear in the back, up to 4 people, and a trailer now and then. So this vehicle fits my needs pretty well. Also, recognize that I'm a recovering 1-ton, 4X4, dually kind of guy (2 year pin).
With a light load and no trailer I see 24-25 mpg on the hiway. If I focus 100% on mpg and never drive above 65 (no passing either) I have seen just over 26. But suffice to say that if I watch myself, I can get 25 on the interstate.
Anyone been doing anything that can give me more mpg? I was looking at the K&N air filters, but they don't seem to show improvement in hp until over 3000 rpm, and I'm well below that (2000 rpm) when holding 65 on the interstate.
Any other thoughts? As for the truck, I like it. I bought it based on price (cheap), and selected 2WD for fuel economy as well. In two years I've really needed 4WD maybe a half dozen times. I like the larger engine for those occasions that I do tow. I towed my Jeep CJ-5 from Virginia to Colorado and honestly didn't notice any lack of power anywhere along the route.
Thanks - Skip