Man, why did I take a year to do this, it's so easy. I found and tapped the wire and soldered the diodes up easy. I was worried since the only diodes I could find at Rad Shack said 50v, but they clamp it to .7V. I wired up and described and as MPGMetro did and I tested before I hooked to my laptop. We're producing a cycle wave so I just set my multimeter on AC and tested the voltage. Worked great and I definately had just the inside tip giving a reading and nothing hooked to the other side yet (haven't looked for VSS yet).
I made a sample recording though and I have two channels of data. Maybe my laptop just has a mono microphone jack? It doesn't have a line in like my old laptop used to, just mic.
Now I understand the fudge factors, but what are the vssthreshold and injthreshold for? Attached is a shot of my 1st record. It idled for a while (the left side) and this is a shot of right when I hit the accelerator a bit. .7V is pretty low Db, so does this mean I should lower my inj threshold a bit compared to your car?
Also whenever I start the program with no audio hooked up (and configed to not use a test wav) it keeps displaying random numbers for a while. Sometimes the whole time I'm in the program (10+ mins) and other times it'll stop after a couple mins. Does this happen to you too and any ideas?
Also I've been adding to this program like crazy. I still don't have a good way to calculate the Cid, but I have entrants for Cid, air temp, elevation, car weight and frontal area and I've added current acceleration and HP to the displays. My HP isn't quite right though, I found a good calculation for acceleration times car weight (/ by 32ft/sec^2 to get mass), but I want to add this to a drag calculation My thought being, if I'm holding at 45MPH I don't want it to say 0HP, this way it'd show the HP required for that speed due to drag and also show HP as I accelerate. Once I get this down good I want HP/gal. That way I can finally test if slowly accelerating to 45MPH is better than hot footing it to 45MPH, it should show my best efficiency of the engine (most power for gallon of gas).
So if anyone can decipher that drag calc let me know. My accerlation HP is all in ftlb/min which is standard HP measurement. But when I try even simple examples on paper with the drag calc using either ft, lb or metric I always get very large numbers and I'm not sure what the units are, certainly not HP or watts.
I'll post the code update when I'm done, but it's already been over a year and requires more debugging so who knows when
