how do i convirt a manual ECU obd1 to auto. w/ one lockup? as shown here:
i wana convert a obd1 ecu to control the lockup on the trany. A19 is what i need (right svoboy?) so my queston is what do i need to do internaly to the ecu. i herd u can switch w/o loading a new rom, is this true?
I'm afraid I'll say no dice on this because the auto has a bunch of stuff in the way of junk on the board that does the lockup, to me it seems akin to a vtec conversion but Iono how to do it, anyway, you can't only have one lockup, you'll code if you run the auto ecu in the car. Just run manual and run constant power to the lockup on the tranny.
ok i'll run ign power to it but if my car crashes though the gararge wall or my tranny falls out at 70 mph on the freeway, i'm holding u responsable as helga is my DD and i cant afford to lose her.
what kinda current are we talking about? 1/2 an amp?
if i'm going aob1 anything it'a a auto p28. u silly non vtec fools yes auto p06 or auto p28. or anything i can use to make vtec and auto work on the manual po6 i got now.