Vaporizing vs volatizing of fuel - Fuelly Forums

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Old 11-20-2011, 07:37 PM   #1
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Exclamation Vaporizing vs volatizing of fuel

The introduce button didn't work for me so I find myself here.

Anyway, we know that Charles Pogue back in 1939 was able to achieve over 200 MPG by vaporizing gasoline in the 1st stage and sending it into the 2nd stage for further refinement. We also know that the oil cartels added anti-cracking agents to the fuel to make it difficult for anyone to try to follow in his footsteps.

In all my years of research into high mileage I've been able to get upwards of 8 hours driving on one tank of gas with several vehicles. This is not what I would like to discuss here.

My question is, if liquid gasoline has approx. 108, 000 Btu per gallon, and if Charles Pogue increased his fuel mileage say by ten times, does this mean that there is an increase in gasoline or diesel vapor by ten time, or 1, 108, 000 Btu? Or raising diesel fuel from 128, 000 to 1, 280, 000 Btu? No where on the net have I been able to come across any information on these numbers...

Seven years ago I happened to discover what is know by some as the 'joepipe technology.' This technology takes any type of vapor fuel converting it from an expansion energy to contraction energy fuel. Also known as exothermic vs endothermic, explosion vs implosion. By drawing back on the internal pressures of the propane and air, I'm able to draw the flame inside of the pipe where it creates its own resonant signature while producing a significant after burn flame.

The flame can be manipulated to burn into of a pipe regardless of the shape or between two flat plates of steel 1/64th apart. Once the flame is drawn inside, air and fuel pressures can be increased exponentially where flame velocity can become super sonic.

Now that I have given you a quick joepipe 101 tutorial, this is what I want to bring to your attention. It may be possible to duplicate all the properties that Charles Pogue had going for him in his patents. We may also ask ourselves, what are the basics for complete vaporization? What I've come up with is this, HEAT, VACUUM and the absence of air.

How do I propose to do this? Quite simple:

Create a 1 qt. crucible where all sides can be heated to over 2, 000 F. Done! This is simple to do. Secondly, attach an output tube that is connected to a vacuum generator. Thirdly, design liquid injectors that open by vacuum. The more the vacuum draw, the more gasoline or diesel that is injected into the crucible. Adding the right porous ceramic catylist to the mix would help to crack the longer carbon chains into shorter chains. Now your pumping out a steady stream of pure syngas with zero nitrogen content.

My understanding is that the vaporization of gasoline or diesels is just a collection of fine liquid droplets. True or not? If so, then this leaves room for these droplets to be heated up to where they shift into a fully gaseous state. This is my proposal.

To demonstrate this, I would like to use a Coleman camp stove as the injector pump and see how much volume of gas can be volatilized. Three such injectors would be my choice.

Last summer I had a 1/4 pvc line bust using my very first volatilize prototype. The super fine mist lay suspended in the air for nearly ten minutes before dispersing. So you know that this mist was close to being in the volatilized state. It didn't blow up because the ratio of fuel to air was probably 500 to 1. I'm just sharing this in order to give you a visual of what I think may be possible to duplicate in a much smaller and more efficient device.

Anyway, by feeding the volatilized output fuel into the base end of a 6 inch by 6 ft. diameter pipe and connecting up a air blower with a variable capacity of 100 to 1, 000 cfm or greater, it should be possible to convert the whole thing into a mega joepipe pushing out a 10 ft. flame or more. This would be the visual demonstration of the power of volatilized diesel or gasoline!

If the volatizer works on just one injector, maybe two more units could be hooked up to triple the vapor/volatilized fuel output to generate a 1 million Btu flame burner?

If the volatilizing of diesel and gasoline can be proven to increase the Btu output of a liquid fuel, this would create a lot of ripples that would reach far and wide. It would prove that the oil companies have been taken us for a ride these past 50 years of more!

I can do the fabrication and welding, but need someone or a group of people to design a variable fuel injector that opens on vacuum and maybe build a mechanical vacuum generator. Not the flow through type, but one that works by spinning a impeller/propeller disc inside of a swirl cage.

This volatizer that I'm thinking of making will be the size of 1 gallon coffee cans, one on top of each other. The top with be designed as a heater using the spent flame heat. So from a standing view it doesn't look like much except for a plain Jane heater, while the fact remains that it has the capability to at least a 50, 000 Btu heater or 50 kilowatt diesel gen set.

Maybe some of you who read this can relay me you response concerning the comparison of vapor fuel vs a fully volatized state. Maybe I'm the first one to have brought this up but do look forward to hearing your thoughts. It this technology is applied to present day vehicles, this may be the trick to bring back the 100 MPG? Or to heat your home for cheap or generate your own affordable power. Email your phone number if you want to connect and I'll call you by gmail. Thanks for letting me post here on your site.

If you to to utube, you can see a lot of my vids under joepipe.

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Old 11-20-2011, 08:46 PM   #2
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Re: Vaporizing vs volatizing of fuel

Was that joepipe or crackpipe?
Old EPA 23/33/27
New EPA 21/30/24

New EPA12/14/17

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