Originally Posted by zpiloto
Man that is so cool!! What kind of shape are the batteries in after the test drives? Nice rolling stop by the way 
They're not good. Amazing what you can learn with a DMM: the pack is very unbalanced (batts resting at very different states of charge after use & charging), and I've already found several that suffer from serious voltage "sag" relative to the others, when measured immediately after loading them up (driving). And I've also found a few batteries that appear reasonably healthy.
That didn't even qualify as a "rolling stop"
Originally Posted by Bill in Houston
I was thinking that since you have a ready supply of used batteries, you could continue to collect them, charge them, load test them, and then keep the ones that do the very best.
That's probably what we'll do, for now. I'm going to ask the forklift company guy who's been supplying me with batts if he'll connect me with his supplier. There's apparently a guy who drives around delivering new & picking up used batts. I want to meet this guy
Also, is there an concern about hydrogen buildup in the charging area? I don't know much about batteries.
Yes. The closer a flooded battery approaches full charge, the more it will "gas", releasing H2 and O2. Many conversions with batteries enclosed in the trunk or in battery boxes in the passenger compartment (ie hatchbacks), run brushless fans to circulate outside air through the boxes.
Originally Posted by Silveredwings
That's terrific! Thanks for showing us the current state of the tests you're conducting. I was shocked to see that the Neon guys got a charge out of it too. 
You're welcome. I was quite amped about the whole thing myself!