One of Wayland's Datsuns actually has an entire rear tray that slides in and out of the trunk area electrically.
That parallelogram hinge idea is nice. But truth be told, I'm going to stick with plan A just to keep things moving along. I already work slow enough - don't need to be re-engineering things on top of that!
Sorry to be coming in late.
Did you keep the tranny or what did you do for power transmission between the engine and the wheels?
I'd be OK with a reference to an earlier post #.
Currently getting +/- 50 mpg in fall weather. EPA is 31/39 so not too shabby. WAI, fuel cutoff switch, full belly pan, smooth wheel covers.
Well, the car isn't moving any more until I get to work on the cabling tidy-up & connector-making. I cut one of the battery cables this evening to plan my approach - and I don't have any extras.
I've read in several EVDL threads that around 3000 rpm is a good target for e-motor max efficiency. But the only way to know for sure is to test it. Fortunately, it's not too hard to do.