I just imported all my data from Excel. It shows my best tank as 982, but I have a couple of tanks over 1000 miles, and you can see them if you look back in May and June of 2007, but they don't show up.
Also it says total miles tracked is 64,634 but I have every entry from 0 to 81,421 Does the software kick out anything over 1000 miles per tank?
Yep, Fuelly does kick out any single fuel-up that goes over 1,000 miles. We have these data limits in place because we had a lot of bad data entered when we started, and we tried to put in some realistic upper limits to keep wildly bad data out. If we need to adjust our upper limits, though, we can consider that.
The most I have put in straight is 16.327, I regularly put in 15 gallons or so when it just hits empty. The hard part was for a while I would add 5 gallons of bio diesel then fill up about a quarter tank, so that is why some of my fill-ups were like 21 or 22 gallons.
there are a few of the first vw passat TDI's that had a 1000 mile club over on Fred's TDI page. I don't know if they are here on this site but the could get 1000 miles on a tank! I can only mange 829 but that was many years ago and all highway. I just don't do the trips like I use too or if I do it is in the Mini Van and that has no chance of getting excent milage! LOL!