Hello all,
I just decided to join GasSavers after reading lots of your posts and decided to implement a few mods. I've been looking into everything that I can think of and learn about to save gas for the last 3 years. I just put a radiator block and installed home built Vortex Generators on my 2002 Saturn SL. My gas little just came on and I'm at 350 miles on this tank. I installed the modas after about one-eighth of a tank was gone. Also with the MODs I was getting aprox. 330 miles on 10.6 gallons = 31.13 mpg in city. I estimate that I will be at aprox. 36 mpg in city on a full tank of gas. Presently I'm at 34.90 in city mpg. Thats so awesome with only a 15 dollar investment in sheet metal and spray paint.
Nice to see someone else from Kansas here....welcome aboard! Most of the mods I've made to my `92 VX have been relatively inexpensive... I'm getting 42-45mpg. Still can't get to the magical 56mpg these are supposed to do, don't know if it's the car, or me. OK, probably IS me. I'm really trying to get my driving under control, but I still get a lead foot once in a while....