Since the main theme of this thread is pulling electrical use from the alternator (to increase FE), what do people think about this solar array I found listed on
I know one amp (and that's probably only in bright sun, less is likely on cloudy days) isn't all the power you will need for running a car (even with the accessories off). However, it should easily be enough to keep a car battery "topped off" while the car isn't running (thereby hopefully lowering the increased alternator load to "charge the battery" when first starting up). And I figure (up to) one amp might also be enough to "help out" while driving the car in the day (possibly raising the gas mileage a small amount when driving during the day).
And the thing I really like about that array (other than the reasonable price, including the "free shipping"), is that it's dimensions almost (but not quite) completely match the top dimensions of my (internal) "trunk cover" on my CRX! This means I should be able to mount that array in the back of the INSIDE of my car, on top of the "trunk cover", but underneath the back hatch glass. So (if I got this array for my CRX), there would be absolutely no loss of aerodynamics by leaving the array always in place (as the array would be in the car all the time). So the only FE loss (from having this array) should be the weight of the array (which is under 15 lbs)!
But my big question is, would the (up to 1 amp of) power from the solar array, actually lower the current generated from the alternator when the car is in use (or would that solar power go "wasted", and the alternator still generate the full current for the car)? I know the array could keep the battery "topped off" when the car is stopped, but what about when running? Is there an easy/cheap way to make sure that the power from the solar array is used BEFORE the power from the alternator (thereby lowering the overall load on the alternator, when driving down the road in the sun)?
I guess I'm kinda looking for some opinions, before I rush out and spend $100 on this solar array. I know $100 isn't a huge amount of money, but it's still a real chunk of change. OTOH if this array really will both keep my car battery "topped off" at all times, and lower the power needs from the alternator while driving during the day, it's likely going to be a "win" (even if not enough power to totally eliminate the alternator, maybe enough to "make a difference).
Comments, anyone?