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Old 05-29-2007, 05:16 PM   #1
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I am new and like the site

I bought a new 1988 Ford Tempo and drove it 224,000 miles..even after 100,000 miles I got as high as 36 MPG. My 1994 Dodge (V6) gets over 30 MPG and it has over 100,000 miles. My brother drove Volkswagon Rabbits (diesels) during the 80's and got about 50 MPG.. So, my question is..why are we still talking about MPG today and why hasn't the Big 3 or 4 or 5 and we as drivers, not learned our lessons?

I read the suggestions but feel its unsafe on many X-ways to drive the speed limit or under..getting rear-ended or victimized by angry drivers is an issue. So why are we so angry and in such a hurry all the time.

Anyway, I will keep reading and hope to pick up some milage.

By the way, I learned you can buy "gas cards/gift cards" at many gas stations saving 10 cents a gallon or more..getting that companies "reward cards" will add more savings usually another 2 cents a gallon.

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:30 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by alata2 View Post
I bought a new 1988 Ford Tempo and drove it 224,000 miles..even after 100,000 miles I got as high as 36 MPG. My 1994 Dodge (V6) gets over 30 MPG and it has over 100,000 miles. My brother drove Volkswagon Rabbits (diesels) during the 80's and got about 50 MPG.. So, my question is..why are we still talking about MPG today and why hasn't the Big 3 or 4 or 5 and we as drivers, not learned our lessons?

I read the suggestions but feel its unsafe on many X-ways to drive the speed limit or under..getting rear-ended or victimized by angry drivers is an issue. So why are we so angry and in such a hurry all the time.

Anyway, I will keep reading and hope to pick up some milage.

By the way, I learned you can buy "gas cards/gift cards" at many gas stations saving 10 cents a gallon or more..getting that companies "reward cards" will add more savings usually another 2 cents a gallon.
Hey alata2!

First things first, welcome to GasSavers.

Anyway, to get to your questions.

Fuel economy used to be easier to obtain because of a number of factors:

1) Vehicles used to be smaller
2) Vehicles used to be lighter
3) Engines used to be smaller

Back in the 80s-early 90s, you could get a 1.3L engine that didn't put out more than 60HP on a two door Honda or Geo. Now adays you just can't find that.

Part of the added weight has been due to more strict safety standards, which means more and more weight. Airbags, Anti-Lock Brakes, stronger alloys, etc. Also, back in the 80s people used to drive the speed limit. Remember the national speed limit? That made a big difference as well.

Forget that the automobiles made in Europe/Asia get ridiculously high gas mileage, but their safety standards are not as strict... I'm personally convinced that auto manufacturers push for stricters safety standards in order to faciliate the production/sale of SUVs and other giant cars... because that is where the profit is.

that's my conspiracy theory for the day.

As for why people are speeding to go everywhere? Ihave no idea. Studies in Southern California traffic have shown that people who weave in and out of traffic only save on an average of 2 minutes in their commute.

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Old 05-29-2007, 06:11 PM   #3
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Welcome alata2
Im new to the site too. In just the last few days I've learned alot! Search the past forums for great ideas. Forums are laid out quite well and logically.
I drive 60 with no problems just stay to the right and its nice to stay near a truck if you can find one going 60.
Originally Posted by Matt Timion View Post
Hey alata2!

As for why people are speeding to go everywhere? Ihave no idea. Studies in Southern California traffic have shown that people who weave in and out of traffic only save on an average of 2 minutes in their commute.
You are so right about your statement 60 versus 70 in a 20 min. highway commute is as you say about 2 min. I've checked and as an old bus driver that was one thing they drumned into our heads. Know if your driving 15 hrs. the stories different.

Welcome again and enjoy
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Old 05-29-2007, 06:16 PM   #4
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Welcome, alata2, What kind of vehicle are you driving now?

So why are we so angry and in such a hurry all the time.
Good question! Its a good idea not to " get in the way" of others, even if it is for a good cause. I notice when I ride with other drivers they tend to try to hurry even when there is no rush to get where were going, nobody has any patience.
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