My wife and I rode our bicycles 16 mile one way to watch the Philadelphia Bike Race and then rode our bikes back home.. it might be the last time a bicycle race of its caliber be held in Philly.
__________________ Master your environment and you will survive just fine.
Chances favor the prepared mind.
The bike race in Philly has not been CoreState for a few years.. likely since the last millinium.. it used to be 3 events over 3 different dates/cities, but down to just 1 event since 2006.. there may not even be a race next year.
__________________ Master your environment and you will survive just fine.
Chances favor the prepared mind.
Oh the shame....
It's rained in New England daily but for perhaps 10 days in June. I don't ride in the rain.
The nice days for riding are also nice days for working on completing my most recent diesel conversion, and driving gives me another 1/2 hour of working time before darkness.
June pedaling displacement miles: 40
Fourty. There I said it. Just TWO measly days of bicycle commuting last month.
I hate riding in the rain too but I think I will Wednesday.....otherwise I'll only get in one ride this week (Friday, should be sunny) and the guilt will be unbearable!