Chevy Aveo, why not spring for a Fit? - Page 4 - Fuelly Forums

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Old 07-24-2008, 11:41 AM   #31
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You can't count the Cobalt XFE, because GM made specifically for better MPG and it's only available in a Coupe.

It is regeared, has low rolling resistance tires, and has some aero mods. So for highway MPG's comparing the XFE and Aveo are a little different. Compare it to the regular 4 door cobalt would be a better comparison.


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Old 07-24-2008, 11:55 AM   #32
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Why would those things disqualify it for comparison?

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Old 07-24-2008, 12:59 PM   #33
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In my books, that means that chevrolet "GETS IT" they are now seeing the advantages of selling a fuel efficient car.

and according to the web site they make a sedan as well

not that I am going to run and get one but I think the fuel economy thing is sinking in.

*edit* on that web site they have some contradicting data. it says at the bottom of that screen that it is based on the 3 door coupe. I am too lazy to actually call a dealership and ask them if they sell one so maybe I am wrong. but it does say XFE sedan.
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Old 07-25-2008, 04:14 PM   #34
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GM has never really been serious about creating a top notch small car. Just look at their domestic-based attempts:

1. Corvair: infamous subject of Ralph Nader's "Unsafe at Any Speed".

2. Vega: Disastrous oil-burning nightmare. I once dated a woman who had one; we had to add oil almost each day!

3. Cavalier: Numerous quality control problems. My wife had one (since gotten rid of in favor of a 2002 Honda Civic Coupe). Head gasket replaced twice (coolant leaked into oil system), transmission failure, A/C coolant leaked out, power window failure, front brake pads wear out after 20K.

4. Cobalt: Consumer Reports gives this vehicle an overall score of 50 out of 100. Only 48% of CR's Auto Survey respondents say they would buy this car again (compared with 81% for the Honda Fit and 77% for the Honda Civic Sedan). CR's Reliability Chart for the Cobalt shows "Poor" results regarding the car's electrical and fuel systems.

5. Aveo: CR gives this car an appallingly low overall test score of 33 (it ranked at the bottom in it's category-the Honda Fit was tops with a 65). Only 44% of buyers would do so again. CR's fuel economy tests got a mediocre 25 mpg out of the Aveo-pretty bad for what is advertised as gas miser.

I think it's fair to say that GM has a long way to go to be taken seriously as a legitimate small car manufacturer. Honda, Toyota, Nissan and others have a big head start on them.
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:15 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by gork57 View Post

2. Vega: Disastrous oil-burning nightmare. I once dated a woman who had one; we had to add oil almost each day!

My parents had one when I was a kid growing up in the 70's. If there were enough of them on the road, the oil shortages of the 70's could have easily been blamed on the Vega. They were THAT bad. Steel piston rings on an aluminum cylinder liner does not work very well together.
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Old 07-25-2008, 10:03 PM   #36
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Any Vega owner who actually could drive the car long enough for it to burn oil was lucky.
I worked for a Chevy dealer when they had been out 3 months, they were replacing 40 enignes per month, the cylinder walls would sink in the block and all the coolant ran in the combustion chambers and out the tailpipe.

GM tried to blame it on Prestone antifreeze, yep i am going to buy a new car and immediately drain the coolant and replace it with Prestone so it will ruin my engine in a matter of weeks.

Also advertized as a computer built car, no paint or primer in exactly the same places, just bare metal that soon rusted away.

GM also stated it was physically impossible to build a car that got 40 MPG about the same time.

If you started a new Chevy and put it in gear the engine stalled immediately. We just started them and let them run for a few minutes so they would keep running when you put it in gear.

No wonder the Japanese car companies have cleaned their clock.

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Old 08-06-2008, 10:40 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by gork57 View Post

4. Cobalt: Consumer Reports gives this vehicle an overall score of 50 out of 100. Only 48% of CR's Auto Survey respondents say they would buy this car again (compared with 81% for the Honda Fit and 77% for the Honda Civic Sedan). CR's Reliability Chart for the Cobalt shows "Poor" results regarding the car's electrical and fuel systems.

i remembered there was a big name magazine that was comparing the cobalt ss with the acura rsx-s, measuring everything from acceleration, price, room, etc. in the end it was so close that it came within like less than a point, and they put the cobalt as the "winner" and saying that it makes more sense to buy the cobalt because of acceleration, price, etc.

I was laughing.. I would even choose a civic coupe DX over a POS cobalt thats probably going to break down, drop in value harcore within 5 years
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Old 08-07-2008, 06:05 AM   #38
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Vega also loved to blow head gaskets

They were so poorly executed and I seriously don't think GM even bothered with any R&D or testing period on new cars until fairly recently. If they did properly test for durability and reliability, the Cadillac V8-6-4 and the HORRID GM diesels from the late 70's and early 80's would have quickly shown their fatal flaws!

Although who would have expected a problem from the GM diesels??? What could possibly go wrong with taking an existing gasoline engine, converting it to diesel and increasing internal pressures exponentially- what could possibly go wrong with that idea???

The last of these self-destructing diesel lumps was sold in 1985. Before the late 80's arrived, GM had paid to replace EVERY single diesel it had sold since '78 with a more reliable gasoline unit. I'd love to see how much that 'recall' program ended up costing's really amazing that they have survived this long with so many of these shining moments in their history!
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Old 08-07-2008, 06:24 AM   #39
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Lots of car companies have big failures like that. Look at the recent Toyota Tacoma rust issue.
Rusty Toyota Tacoma? Toyota May Buy Back Your Truck For 150% The Value

It wasn't too long ago that Toyota announced they were going to extend the rust-perforation warranty on about 813,000 model-year 1995 to 2000 Tacoma pickups due to serious issues with corrosion of the frame in certain areas.

No matter what condition your truck is in, Toyota will buy it back at 150% the KBB "excellent condition" price.
You'd think that by the year 2000 they would have figured out rust as well as other companies (like GM) have...
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Old 08-10-2008, 10:43 AM   #40
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what about the new focus? i drive a 2000 focus and will be buying a new car probably with in the next year or 2. i've liked my focus and i think the new ones look pretty slick. has anyone driven one?

i also have a think for the geo metro

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